Chapter 5: Reunited

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A/N: It's been a while now huh reader, Welp first of all, can someone comment down what the girl is wearing for the top, cause idk what that is and I had to ask some of my friends what it's called, they say it's a sleeveless turtleneck, but I wanna hear what your thoughts on what it is, (p.s. I do not own the art :/ ) also sorry for not updating for a while, got addicted to this game -. - ' and completely forgot bout updating, plus wifi been out for days xd anyways, enough of me blabbering, go on and read :D

Midoriya Household

It was raining hard today at Mustafa, Izuku was in his room, as he reads a book titled, The Blessings Of Fear, 'the entrance exam is in a few days...I wonder if she still remembers our promise...' Izuku thought as he sighed sadly, he stood up and put the book back on the shelf as he went downstairs, rummaging the fridge for any food, 'dammit, I forgot to buy some least your here~' Izuku thought as he grabbed a canned coffee from Starbucks, '' he thought happily as he sat down on the sofa, turning on the TV as he drinks his canned coffee, 'hmm...what should I eat for dinner?' he looked at the window, 'It sure is raining hard outside...I think I have some instant noodles stored somewhere in the kitchen...' Izuku pondered as suddenly, a knock could be heard, putting Izuku out of his thoughts, "who could that be...?" Izuku mumbled as he rarely get visitors, especially with the weather like this. Quickly going up stairs and grabbed his metal bat, for safety reasons, he then rushes back downstairs to open the door, as he slowly opens it, he sees a drenched beautiful girl with shoulder-length black raven hair with blue tips, big blue eyes, fair complexion, and an outfit consisting of a white sleeveless turtleneck, a dark blue tennis skirt with a peach ribbon tied around her waist, and black boots. Izuku immediately hides his metal bat, as the woman seemed to prove not a threat. "Uh...hey there...?" Izuku asked, confused. She was panting and probably freezing, Izuku noticed this and gestures her to come in whilst he carried her bags. Izuku then grabs a towel and wraps it around her to warm her up a bit.

"Th-thank you..." she said softly, as she shivered, "Pa-pardon for the intrusion, I got lost while looking for the address to a close friend of mine, I went to the nearest neighborhood when some guys started following me...your the nearest house so..." she said shyly, Izuku just nods, 'I guess he doesn't recognize me...good, can't ruin the surprise hehe...' she mischievously though.

"I don't mind really," Izuku said as he gestures her to sit down, to which she obliged. After giving her some warm tea he then ask her something, " said that there where guys following you? Where are they..." Izuku said menacingly, as he always hated perverts.

"There right outside...why?" She asked, as she cocked her head, he stood up, and walked to the front door, holding a metal bat, and walked outside, seconds later, all she could hear where loud screams of pain, 'even with the hard rain pouring down...I could still hear the screams...what did he even do?!' she thought as she just sighs, 'I guess things never change...' she sweatdrop. As Izuku walks in, he held a bloodied metal bat on his right hand as he dries himself with a towel, "did you kill them...?" she asked wearily and shakingly.

"Eh? Hell no. I just taught them a few lessons about life," Izuku said as he washed down the metal bat, making her sweatdrop as what he meant.

'It's a nice gesture...but it seems he's more violent than before...' she thought, concerned for him, as back when they were kids, Izuku would never resort to this.

"Anyways, do you have anyone to call you to pick you up after this bad weather clears?" Izuku said as he leaned on the wall.

"Yep! Don't worry about it...uhm, if you don't mind can I use your bathroom for a quick shower? Don't worry I have extra clothes on me..." he nods as he points the way to the bathroom. Inside, Sachi was smiling a little because so much had changed since then, one of which was Izuku's appearances. She was surprised at how tall and fit he had become, and his hair, while not as long as Inko described, was a little long.

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