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- January 1st, 1982/Potter Manor

Severus Tobias Snape did not let a lot of people in. He only let two people 100% in his entire life.

The first was Lily Evans turned Lily Potter. The girl who was basically his sister in all but blood. They couldn't have been more different, however, if they tried. She had bright fiery red hair, emerald green eyes that shined, tanned skin no matter the time of year, and was a Gryffindor.

He had dark black hair, deep onyx eyes, sallow skin that made him look sickly, and was a Slytherin. Yet they continued their friendship for years.

The second was Jasper Potter. Twin brother to Lily's husband, James. The boy he had fancied since fourth year. Jasper had the messy potter hair, hazel eyes, and need for glasses. His skin was quite pale due to his love for staying inside and reading. He was also a Ravenclaw.

So as he approached Jasper he felt his heart deflate at the sight. Jasper's thick black frames were on his head. He was sporting horrible bags under his eyes from lack of sleep. His eyes were bloodshot and drooping.

"Jasper.." whispered Severus Snape as he took the man's hand. "Sirius and Remus will watch Harry. Let's go back to my place and rest. Please?"

"I'm scared Sev.." admitted a sleep deprived Jasper. "What if I leave and and something happens? I I I can't loose him too Sev.."

Jasper could feel Severus hug him from behind. His arms wrapping around his waist. A soft kiss to his neck.

"You won't. Besides. He has the best uncle's in the world to watch over him. He'll be okay." A kiss was planted on Jasper's cheek. "Please come with me so you can get some sleep."

Jasper turned himself around to face Severus. Onyx met hazel. Onyx filled worry, love, care. Hazel filled with tears, fear, love.

"Alright..." conceded Jasper with a faint whisper. "I'll go to your place and rest for a bit..."

- July 31st, 1985/Potter Manor

"Uncle Jay! Uncle Sev! Up Up!" stated the excited five year old as he jumped on his Uncle's bed.

Severus with a heavy, tired sigh turned over and grabbed his wand from his bedside table. Casting a tempus he groaned.

"Harry..It's early still."

"It's my birthday Uncle Sev!" exclaimed the child as if it explained everything. Which he supposed it did. Harry loved rising early.

"I know Bambi. But it's 6 in the morning. Let's sleep a bit more ok? Your Uncle Jasper was working late last night remember?" informed Severus making room for the five year old to lay between the men.

"Okay.." conceded the boy softly as he laid between his Uncle's. "Uncle Sev.."


"Ron said it's bad two Wizards are together....is that true?.."

Severus sighed softly knowing the youngest Weasley male got that from his Mother. Morgana knows his Father would never say such a thing. Truthfully, Molly was the only one he and the others had an issue with.

"No Bambi. It's okay for two Wizards to love each other. Just like it's okay for two Witches to love each other and a Wizard and Witch to love each other. Don't let anyone say otherwise ok?" said Severus kissing the boys  forehead sweetly.

He often thought how things might be different without Jasper Potter. How he might have hated James. How he might have never checked on Harry, making him hate the child when he arrived at Hogwarts. Doesn't help Harry looks like James's double. Except Lily's eyes.

Jasper Charlus PotterWhere stories live. Discover now