Chapter 26

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"He wants payment in form of a date? Hey ,that kinda stuff happens in movies." said a bemused Kalpana and Sneha nodded and asked 

"What are you going to wear?"

 Gulping the last of her coffee Juhi said "For the last time,girls,I'm not going."

" Nice coffee" she added to Sneha.

"Spoilsport." muttered Sneha under her breath while Kalpana asked "Why the hell ever not?" 

Setting her washed cup back on the rack,Juhi said," I just don't.It all started so innocently. I did tease him a little,you know. But he turned serious."

"And so are you,Juhi"said Sneha." Why don't you go out with him? Its only a date for heaven sake."

"I know.But its just that....he twisted something I said into something he wants. "

Kalpana snorted and said ," As if had  he asked you in a straightforward manner, you'd have said yes."

Smiling ruefully Juhi shrugged.

 Shifting her reading glasses to the top of her head,Sneha studied her.

 Then she sighed and said ,'Okay.Meet him for coffee after your office hours. That way you are keeping your end of the deal.

With her face alighted Juhi exclaimed," Brilliant Sneha! I'll go tell him right away!" and disappeared.

"The way she said 'right away' I thought he might be waiting for an answer downstairs." said a bemused Kalpana.

Sneha looked up from her documents,excited and stage whispered," What if he is? You know, waiting in his car?"

Both of them gave a startled gasp and rushed to the balcony and looked down.

There was no car standing.

The girls looked momentarily stumped.

Sneha broke the silence.

" Do you think they might have exchanged numbers?"

" No,we did not"interrupted Juhi."He messaged me via Facebook." 


" He agreed."


Abeer was playing with his car keys.

Well she is fifteen minutes late which is cool.

Anxiety and impatience crawled into him and He texted Ranjit

What happens if you get stood up by your date?

Ranjit texted back

You pretend you were having a 'me-time'?

Abeer replied

Seriously man.

Ranjit wrote back

The typical guy code is forget about her. Women already complain a lot about short term memory of men.

If she calls you back you pretend that she's someone else.

Okay...texted Abeer...If you don't wan


"One Mocha please." said Abeer still typing into his phone.

"Great! Anything else you want to get me for you, Mr Khare?" 

Startled Abeer looked up and saw Juhi standing.

He stumbled to get up and pulled up chair so fast he nearly tripped up a waiter.

" I am so sorry." The waiter shot him a nasty look and moved away.

He turned to Juhi who was biting her lip, trying hard not to smile.

Clearing his throat he said," Hey,I'm sorry. Please have a seat."

"No worries." said Juhi slipping into her chair.

"What can I get you?" asked Abeer.

"A cappuccino."

"Anything else?"


Abeer ordered and they sat in silence for a while.

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