Chapter 29

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Sometimes people are beautiful.

Not in looks.

Not in what they say.

Just in what they are.

That's exactly the way she was.


Beauty was in her nature.

But perhaps the beauty was blissfully unaware of her charm.

She was not drop dead gorgeous. She was definitely not the girl for whom the whole traffic would come to a stand still.

But she was so busy being herself she probably wasn't aware of her allurement.

She ignored the mirror often as if forgetting its very own existence.

He believed she was one of them who cared more about their personality than their looks.

He had seen girls fussing over their appearances, denying themselves simple pleasures of nature and comfort.

Then he remembered Juhi rolling down the glass of the car window to let the breeze ruffle her hair.

She was perfectly at ease, talking relentlessly about how grown ups need summer vacation too.

He had baited her good naturedly till she gave up.

Abeer raked his hair with one hand while he drove on. Whatever this feeling is, it feels good thought Abeer and that disturbed him.

He did not understand, could not understand how he could feel so strongly about her. He couldn't belief the conflict of interest he was having.

If he was happy, he would hold Juhi in account.

And if he thought too much about her the reason was still her.

Damn.And he hadn't even got to know her properly.

Abeer was not just attracted, he wanted to know everything about her,wanted to ask why her smile rarely reached her eyes, and he wanted to kiss her till her lips looked bee stung.

As he slowed down his car and took a turn to left he scolded himself for being foolish.

There was no need to wear his heart on his sleeve.

Abeer had always prided himself with his diplomacy and presence of mind that was an asset in the business.

However he let his emotions get involved in matter of his loved ones.

As he stepped out of his car he thought he could work out a plan. Following plan was a logical step he thought.

He could not afford to rush into a relationship and have his heart shattered.It hurt too much.

He heaved a heavy sigh and thought to himself, one step at a time.


She was shocked,stunned. The moment she made the connection she'd rushed into her room, whirled around the room like a tornado till she found the note.


She had dug out the now crumpled note that she had found attached with her lost earring.

Even when she had found the reason for her nagging feeling she couldn't shrug it off.

Okay Juhi drew in a deep breath and counted to ten.

Then she began to pace and decided to list out anything that could tell her more about her Cinderella-fan-cum-stalker.

He must be present at the wedding.

Of course he was present there.

How else would he get hold of her earring ?

How well did he know her?

Was he really the person he seemed to be?

Aargh!! She was so angry she could stomp her foot.

How could she be blinded by his charm?

He had charmed her out to a date, had given her driving lessons had somehow made that awful date cheery.

Boy, the way things changed drastically whenever he was around.

That made Juhi uncomfortable.

Then she remembered their first encounter.

If he had known her all along why did he mistook Kalpana for her?

Juhi grew anxious and then she remembered that Mr Khare-the-ever-charming personality had had her number.

Its time for some answers thought Juhi.

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