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I look in the mirror and I see an image. An image of myself. The one image in the world that I hate the most. Sometimes I burst into tears the second I see myself in the mirror because I'm so damn ugly. I mean, I'm fat. My nose and forehead are ginormous. My eyes are uneven. My smile is lopsided. I have bad breakouts. I have a double chin. I could go on and on. And it seems like I find another reason to hate myself every day. Each night before I go to bed, I look in the mirror just to judge myself. I look at my face, my legs, my arms, my stomach. I don't like what I see. In fact, I absolutely hate what I see with everything in me. I hate the way I look. I hate my image. I hate me. I hate my personality. I hate that I'm shy, I hate that I'm slow, I hate that I'm too kind to people, I hate that people don't get me. I hate me. I hate me. I hate me. I hate me. I hate me. I'm my own worst enemy. I hate myself more than anyone else. Sometimes, I feel like no one likes me at all. Not a single boy has told me he likes me, in fact I highly doubt a boy has or ever will like me, I've never been asked to a dance, I never had a boyfriend, I barely have any friends and the friends that I do have don't seem interested in talking to me. Am I just going to be alone in life? I can't help but imagine myself all alone in this cold, dark world. No one who loves me. No one who will talk to me when I need to talk. No one to hug me when I need comforted.  No one to laugh with me when I need to laugh. No one to cry with me when I'm crying until I can't breathe. No one. Absolutely no one. I can't take this anymore. I cry myself to sleep every night. And when I say cry, I mean cry. I ball my eyes out. Mascara everywhere. And I'm crying and thinking to myself "why do I have to be me?" "why does no one want me?" I'm a reject. I'm worthless. I'm pointless. I'm nothing to anyone. No one cares about me. I feel like I'm missing out on the best years of my life. I'm always sad, lonely, desperately waiting for someone to text me, which no one ever does, crying, crying, more crying, and hating myself. It's like there's this party I wasn't invited to. The party where you have all the friends in the world, all of the boys are lining up at your door step (now a days it would probably be DMs or snaps), you're pretty and skinny and popular. Everybody loves you. Everybody cares about you. Everybody wants to be your friend. Every boy wants to date you. Everybody wants to be you. I guess I was just uninvited to the party. Uninvited is me. I am uninvited.

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