In My What?

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It was Monday morning. I decided to not to go to class today.

My period was literally making me go into a depression.

I never texted Sasuke back about tutoring. I really didn't want to go today. I just wanted to sulk in bed by myself and watch movies and eat cookies and cream ice cream. Yeah... that sounded real nice.

I watched a lot of my comfort movies for the rest of the day.

She's the Man, the House Bunny, Twilight, and John Tucker Must Die.

I then heard a knock on my window... Um. Hello? Why would someone knock on my window and not the front door? I was hesitant to even open up my curtain to see who was behind it. I slowly walked over and took a peek.

Sasuke?! What was he doing here?

I opened up my curtain and just watched as he waved at me like a lunatic. I rolled my eyes.

I opened up my window.

"What are you doing? I thought you were a burglar or something?!" I said.

Sasuke let himself in.

"Sorry," he chuckled loudly. "I just came by to say hi."

He was talking so loud. This was bad. Sakura was literally in the room next to me. I put my finger on his mouth to shush him.

"Please shut the fuck up," I said while going to lock my bedroom door.

"Why?" he whispered.

Sasuke sat on my bed and began to eat some chips that I had sitting on my dresser. Sure, go ahead and make yourself at home?

"Surely you didn't forget that I don't live alone," I whispered.

"Oh, duh. I knew there was a reason I went to your window instead of the front door," he laughed quietly.

"Why are you here?" I asked.

Sasuke continued to eat more chips.

"You didn't answer my calls or texts. I wanted to make sure you were okay," he said as he stuffed his face.

Calls? Texts? Was there more than just the one? I grabbed my phone and unlocked it. There was ten missed calls from Sasuke and twenty messages that read:

Sasuke: "hello?"
Sasuke: "are you gonna cum?"
Sasuke: "come* sorry, autocorrect 🤭😏"
Sasuke: "are you sleeping? WAKE UP!😆"
Sasuke: "does your tummy still hurt?🤢"
Sasuke: "I'm gonna go over there if you don't answer me😳"
Sasuke: "(Y/N)....."
Sasuke: "hello?"
Sasuke: "🥪"
Sasuke: "🥱 it's 6pm, I know you're not sleeping"
Sasuke: "I'm bored"
Sasuke: "wyd"
Sasuke: "are you ignoring me lol"
Sasuke: "hiiiiiiiii"
Sasuke: "ok on my way to ur place"
Sasuke: "almost knocked on the front door haha"
Sasuke: "ok I'm at ur window. praying it's your window lol"
Sasuke: "I'm gonna knock...
Sasuke: "1...2...3..."
Sasuke: "can you hear me?😆"

Oh geez.

My phone must have been left on do not disturb. I couldn't help but laugh at his messages. He was such a kid.

"I'm fine," I giggled.

"So then why didn't you answer me?" he asked.

I sighed and laid on my bed next to him.

"I'm on my period and it's making me really depressed right now," I groaned.

"I know what can make you feel better," he smirked.

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