~ Grief and Celebration ~

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As the time passed, along came another girls night out. The girls were all laughing and talking when Cerise got a call. It was her mom.

"Hey mom"said Cerise cheerfully

"Cerise, your father passed"Red said solemnly

"What please tell me your joking"she said holding tears

"No, he got sick this morning but we thought it was a bug but it was something else, they haven't figured it out yet"said Red

"Well, when you find out me know, I'll stop by tomorrow"said Cerise letting a tear fall

"I will" and with that she hung up

"C, what happened"asked Maddie

"My dad...just died"said said staring at her

"What"said Blondie

"No you're kidding"said Briar

"I wish I was"said Cerise wiping her tears

"He was like my second dad"said Darling crying

"We all loved him"said Apple

"He's in a better place now, I just wish I was able to say goodbye"said Cerise


Weeks after Badwolf's death, it was confirmed he had cancer but it was undetectable by doctor's until now.

Griffin had been struggling with the loss. He'd say everyday 'I miss my PawPaw' and it broke Cerises heart.

On top of grieving, recently Cerise found out she was pregnant. She hadn't told anyone yet but today she was telling the girls.

"Cerise what's the emergency meeting about"asked Briar as she set out tea for everyone

"Um, I wanted to tell you guys something"said Cerise

"Your not moving are you, I can't have my bestie move"said Raven

"No, I wanted to tell you guys that I'm having a baby"said Cerise

"AHHHHHHHH"Darling screamed

"Another niece or nephew, I'm so excited"

"How long have you known"asked Apple

"Almost two weeks"said Cerise

"That's why you didn't drink with us last girls night"said Blondie

"I know and it almost killed me not to tell you last night" said Cerise giggling

"So does Daring know"asked Apple

"I just haven't been able to tell Daring yet, he's been under so much stress lately and I don't know if this is what he need right now"she said

"I have an idea"said Briar excitedly


Three days later, Cerise had dragged Daring out of his office and into the garden where all their friends were waiting on them.

"What's all this"Daring laughed

"Read the sign"said Cerise

"It says "Congratulations""said Daring very confused

"Yeah it does, come on let's go greet everyone"said Cerise grabbing his hand

"Today must be important, it's not our anniversary is it" Daring said frantically

"No, that was months ago"said Cerise

"Then, what's this"he asked laughing

"Here, maybe this will help"said Cerise handing him a present

"Is it my birthday"he said jokingly

"No just open it"Cerise urged

Daring slowly opened the gift as Cerise grabbed Griffin and sat him in her lap to watch. Once the gift was open he stared in shock.

Slowly, the largest smile appeared on his face as he looked at her.

"Are you serious"he asked

"Yeah"Cerise answered

"YESSSSS"he exclaimed as he hugged her

Then it hit him

"That's what this whole party was for"he said

"Exactly, I glad you didn't figure it out sooner"said Cerise kissing his cheek

"Oh my gosh congratulations you two"said Darling hugging her brother

"Thanks Darl, I'll say that this is definitely a good surprise"said Daring wrapping his arm around Cerise

Later that night as Cerise and Daring were getting in bed.......

"Today was great"said Daring getting under the covers

"I know, I'm excited for this baby"said Cerise resting her hand on her nonexistent bump

"So am I and Griffin seems excited too"said Daring

"He's gonna be the best big brother"said Cerise

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