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It had been 6 days, 34 hours, 53 minutes and 21 seconds since Daring had been killed and 1 day, 6 hours, 15 minutes and 3 seconds since his funeral and Cerise had been so broken. She only left their room for his funeral and went back in once it was over.

Darling moved in with her to help her with Griffin who wasn't struggling as much as Cerise.

"Cerise" Darling said knocking as she opened the door "It's time to eat"

"I'm not hungry"Cerise mumbled

"Don't start that again you have to eat, if not for you, the baby"Darling pleaded

Cerise begrudgingly got up and walked out with Darling to the dining room where Darings family and Griffin were.

"Mommy"Griffin exclaimed running to her

Cerise cracked a smile, which was something she hadn't done in days when she saw him. Everything about Griffin made her happy even if it was just for a moment.

"Hey buddy"she said adding some perks to her voice

"Mommy we are having Chicken pasta today" Griffin said

Cerises smile faltered. That was Darings favorite. All the memories came flooding back to her.

They were out on their first ever date and they were at this fancy restaurant Cerise had never been in.

The waiter took their orders awhile ago and their food was finally delivered.

While Cerise took her time with her steak, Daring was absolutely destroying that chicken pasta. It was hilarious.

Griffin grabbed Cerises hand and led her to her seat right next to him. She felt everyone staring at her. She shook it off and payed her son some deserved attention.

After dinner, Griffin left to go play while the adults stayed and talked.

"I can't shake the fact he's actually gone"Dexter said twirling his fork

"Me either, weird not having him here"their mother said

All of a sudden Cerise broke down.

"Oh Cerise honey, we didn't mean to make you cry"their dad, Peter said

"I-It's ok I-"she started before sobbing again

"i'm hurting for Griffin and this baby, Griffin only got two years with him and this baby won't know him"she cried

"Cerise, what about you, this is a time to think about you too"Raven said

"I'm- I just miss him"she relented "I miss his smile, i miss his shiny teeth, i miss his hugs, and i miss his stupid laugh"

"I'm so hurt i can't even think"she said

"Cerise i can't imagine what you're going through baby"their mom, Grace said

"Where's Griffin, it's almost his bedtime"Cerise said changing the subject

"He went to play, he can't be far"Darling said

Cerise stood up and left everyone else in the dining room.

Once Griffin was ready for bed, he followed Cerise into her and Darings room and got on the bed.

He'd been refusing to sleep in his own room since Darings death, he decided Cerise would get lonely.

"Ok buddy, goodnight mommy and daddy love you"she said kissing his forehead

"How do you know daddy loves me"Griffin asked

"It was the last thing he told me before he died, he said "tell Griffin i love him""she quoted

"I love him too"Griffin said before closing his eyes

Cerise let out a small laugh and left him in the room.

Cerise went back to the dining room where everyone was still waiting.

"I thought you all left"she said sitting back down

"Cerise, we're worried about you"Raven said

"We know it's been really hard but Griffin needs his mom right now"Darling said

"I know I'm struggling right now and i'm trying it's just been rough"Cerise said

"We know it's been hard and we get that-"their mom started

"I don't think you do, you have no idea what it's like to go to bed at night without the love of your life being there kissing you goodnight you've never had to hold them while they died, while they took their last breath, i'm doing the best i can"Cerise said as she cried

"We didn't mean it that way, we mean Griffins been asking where you are all day, why you wont play with him, he thinks he's the problem"Darling said

"He said all that"Cerise asked

Darling pulled up a video on her phone and showed it to Cerise.

"Ok Griff, what did you just say"

"I wonder why mommy doesn't wanna play with me anymore"

"I'm sure she does she's just having a hard time right now"

"Can you ask her why she won't play with me, does she not like me"

"Turn it off"Cerise said

"You need to see it"Darling said ignoring her

"Don't say that buddy, your mommy loves you so much"

"Is it because daddy is gone, why won't he come back so mommy will be happy again"

"I'm sorry buddy that's not how death works"

"Aww so mommy will never be happy again"

"She will be, but for now we just have to be patient and keep making her feel better"

"God i'm the worst"Cerise cried holding her head in her hands

"No Cerise don't say that"Darling said

"What else is there to say D, my own son thinks i don't love him"Cerise said "Daring would be so upset with me"

"Hey hey hey, if there's one thing i do know, it's that no matter what Daring could never be mad at you"Dexter said

"How would you know"Cerise asked

"You know how many times you've done something that probably could've made him mad but he never was, he told me himself 'She could kill my entire family and i wouldn't even be upset i'll never be mad at her'"

"I need to talk to Griffin"Cerise said walking back to her room

As she thought, Griffin was still awake and when he saw her he tried to fake sleep.

"Griffin i know you're awake buddy"she said walking over to him

"Aw man"Griffin said

"Come here"Cerise said holding her arms out to him

Griffin crawled to her as she picked him up

"I wanna talk to you"Cerise said


"Griff, I want you to know that i love you so so so much ok, and i'm gonna do better at making sure i play with you from now on"Cerise said

"Really"Griffin said

"Yes and i'm sorry i haven't been there for you i have been struggling ever since daddy died but i'm gonna make sure you and i are gonna help each other get through this"she said

"I love you mommy"Griffin said throwing his arms around her neck

"I love you too baby"Cerise said kissing his hair

Cerise brought Griffin with her back to the dining room, he whined about wanted to see his Nana.

"Nana"Griffin exclaimed

"Hello my precious baby"Grace said holding him

Cerise smiled as she watched her little support group watching Griffin. She was gonna be ok.

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