Chapter 16

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"Who are these people" thalia asks?

"were the guardians of the galaxy" the only human looking dude says

"im Gamora" a green lady says

"this is peter, Groot, Rocket, Drax, Nebula, mantis" Gamora says pointing to each person

"im percy, that's thalia or pinecone face, this is jason and nico, hazels over there and this is melody" i say introducing everyone

"how about a movie?" tony asks, everyone says yes and we all go to the living room

"before the movie, how was camp kids?" steve being steve asks

"fun" thalia says smirking at me, i slowly start to remember why she is and look at her in betrayal

"thalia, i thought we all agreed to forget that!" i say

"how could i forget, it was too funny percy" she says almost laughing, to make it worse all my cousins are laughing as well

"what happened?" tony asks

"she fell into water after running down a hill" *( this is the video if you want to see it pretend the girl is percy and the boy is jason*

"that's mean guys" i say grabbing melody as she starts to fuss

"but funny" bucky says, i look at everyone with a death glare

we all continue to watch the movie  and managed to watch at least 5 before 10pm, everything was good and i thought maybe just maybe things would be good and i could have a break, get to chill my with my baby and family.

that was until...

*i had up to chapter 25 written but when i got a new laptop everything got wiped and i lost it, so im trying to rewrite it but its a struggle*

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