Chater 5"Meeting Natasha's family"

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A blond girl walks in with 2 people following, natasha jumps up and tackles the blond girl

"YELENA!!!" natasha explaims

"NATALIE" the girl know as yelena, the other girl laughs at them while the dude is looking at them like there crazy

"Melina" natasha gets up and hugs the other girl

"Hey Alexei" nastaha says smiling

"What no hug for me?" Alexei asks. Natasha hugs him laughing, the avengers are looking at natasha like she's lost her mind

"What up with them" Yelena says with a russian accent, looking at the avenger like i was, becaue why are they looking like that, it her sister and who know how long they have been apart. Kinda like Andrew and me

"Guys?" nat asks, that seems to snap them out of whatever they were in

"Hey" tony says, they all nod

"Okay nat quick and easy test..."Melina says, Alexei contines when he sees natasha nod

"What is the quickest way to gets a man's heart?"

"Through the fourth and fifth rib" nat says while the avengers looks scared

"That's my girl" alexei and natasha smirk

"Hehe" yalena laugh befre the room fall silent, the silence was ended when yalena randomly said

" i still only live for 2 reasn by the way"

"Same well 4 but yea"

"Why do you only live for 2 reason Yalena?" tony ask

"I was born and i haven't died yet" she replies and my friends and i lose it and start laughing cause lets face it thats a mood.

"Mood" i say laughing so hard i fell out of my chair which made my friends laugh more

Yelena smirking asks nat

"How's your little american boyfriend?"


"you-(turns to Yelena) she has a boyfriend?"alexi ask

"Mm yes, you didn't know?" Melina asks

"I DON'T HAVE A BOYFRIEND!!!!" natasha yells blushing

"Can you tell us funny stories about nat" steve asks

"Yes, she and Yelena always fight and like last year sometime Yelena tried to kill nat because she ate the last slice of pizza" Melina says laughing

"Lol" i say

"Almost as bad as Thalia, Clarissie and Percy are with any food" nico says making us three blush
"Question anyone knows nats fears?" sam asks

"Yes, she has only 1 fear" Alexei says smirking as natasha looks scared

"Yelena cooking" bot Melina and Alexei says and we all start laughing

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