Episode 2: The Evidence

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Sheriff Hugo Barnes walked into the woods where he found three teenage boys cutted. Police men took pictures of the bodies as he saw Deputy Marco Michaels looking at pictures of Barbara Pancake's stab wounds comparing them to the stab wounds on the bodies as Barnes looked at him. "What the hell are you doing?" Barnes asked ripping the photo out of Marco's hand "Sorry sir, I was comparing the stab wounds. Something seemed similar about the-" Marco was cut off "There is no connection it's just random serial killers." Hugo said handing the photo back to Marco "In Riverwood no less. Plus it's Riverwooders so it doesn't matter anyway." officer said as Marco looked at him "Wanna say that again?!" Marco exclaimed walking towards the other officer angrily before Barnes grabbed his arm pulling him back "Listen, just calm down, it's just another psycho we have to stop." Barnes said as Marco looked at him harshly pulling his arm away before he continued to analyze the bodies recognizing the force used similar to Diner killer before he wrote down some notes before leaving.

" Barnes said as Marco looked at him harshly pulling his arm away before he continued to analyze the bodies recognizing the force used similar to Diner killer before he wrote down some notes before leaving

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Miles and Nicklaus sat on a hill outside the police station waiting for their guard to drop. "So, what are we doing out here again?" Miles asked as Nick put down his binoculars looking at the station "Having some quality bonding time." Nick jokes he looked at Miles smirking which caused Miles to laugh and roll his eyes "Alright then, let's talk." Miles said smirking back at Nick who chuckled "You don't wanna have a deep conversation." Nick said putting the binoculars up to his eyes again "No, come on! It'll be the old times!" Miles exclaimed as Nick snickered "Alright have it your way. So why are you dating Cara?" Nick asked bluntly taking Miles by surprise "What are you talking about?" Miles asked in response "Come on man, it's obvious who you actually." Nick said looking at Miles who extremely confused "Dude, the way you look at her is a dead give away." Nick said "What are you talking about?" Miles responded as Nick chuckled "Come on man, you've looked at her the same way since 6th grade." Nick stated as Miles looked at him annoyed "Who are you talking about?" Miles asked harshly as Nick sighed "Are you really this dumb? The same redheaded girl you've been secretly crushing on?" Nick said as Miles looked down not saying anything as he thought about what Nick had said "Listen, Miles I'm going to be honest with you, Skye makes you happy and Cara isn't doing that for you. You should think about who you want to be with." Nick said as he put a hand on Miles' shoulder as they were both brought out of their thoughts by a car leaving the police station "That's us." Nick said getting up, putting his hood on as he walked towards the station "Why are we breaking into a police station again?" Miles asked getting up doing the same following Nick to the station.

The two boys walked into near the back entrance of the station hiding behind a parked car as Nick grabbed the nearest rock throwing it at the camera breaking it. "Was that needed?" Miles asked "Yes." Nick said as he got up walking to the door as he tried kicking it open but to no avail as Miles pushed him aside "Let me work my magic." Miles said as he started lock picking the door "Are you good at getting in holes?" Nick mocked as Miles snickered "You know it." Miles joked back as the door clicked and opened up as Miles looked at Nick "Knock knock." Miles said as Nick walked in "Whose there?" Nick joked back as Miles followed him inside as Nick walked over to the nearest computer and shut down the cameras "Lights out." Miles said looking around as he walked into the sheriff's office as Nick followed him in before grabbing his keys as Miles looked around studying the room, looking over a list of names written down on a piece of paper a few being ones he recognized: Nicklaus Wood, Marco Michaels, Anthony Lopez, and Riley Myers. "What is my mom doing on here." Miles said as he looked around some more finding a files with an odd symbol almost looking like a star-like shape on there but he was brought out his thoughts when he heard Nick calling his name.

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2022 ⏰

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