Chapter 1. Pilot

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You sat on the couch, watching TV as your husband messed around in the kitchen. You curled up in your blanket as he sat down on the couch, turning on the news. You looked out your apartment window as the stars shined and lights turned off and on. "I'm leaving for the weekend, I have another client I have to deal with."

You hummed, not daring to look at the man. Henry was his name. He was a lawyer, hell, a good one. People looked up to him, even you. You worked at the same office as him, that's how you met. Sometimes you wished you never did.

"I have to run by the office in the morning, I won't see you till you get back." You said quietly before getting up and leaving to the bathroom. You brought out your phone, scrolled throw the media, or played a few games until midnight. You got up and left out to the hallway near the front door. You grabbed your coat off the hanger and shoes off the rack. That's what you always did, not wanting to wake the beast from his chambers.

You left around the corner, cars zoomed by even when it was so late. You left to a cafe, the one your friend had owned, he kept it open all night, until 3 in the morning then closed until 10 am. You opened the door, being one of the only ones there, your friend looked up from the counter and smiled, holding up a coffee. You gladly took it and sat down on one of the stools. "How's life?" HE asked simply, waving to an ongoing customer, and going to the table to clean up.

"He's going on another trip tomorrow, told him I was going to the office early, but I'm coming here," You said, rubbing your eyes.

"God, that man has no time for you." He said, grabbing the plates and glasses off the table. "You should take a break, go on a vacation, Drink, come and chill here." He said, placing the dishes in the sink and then rubbing your back. You laughed and pushed him off. "You could come to watch Maya and Chip."

You smiled and shook your head. "Stop trying to make me watch those demons," You said. "I'll fall asleep before I even see them." You said. He chuckled and walked away, to the other side of the counter and in front of you.

"How about this, I send the kids to my mothers, Me, you, Henry, and Zadie leave somewhere camping? The beach, somewhere for a day. We'll plan it!" He asked, a smile on his face. You squinted at him, thinking before nodding. "Finally, what time are you coming tomorrow? I'll get the kids and Zay up so we can hang at the park and plan it." He asked, leaving into the kitchen to finish dishes.

"Maybe... 9 or 9:30?"

He nodded, playing 'This Is Me' from the greatest showman as he worked. "I'll close in an hour to get some sleep, If you need anything call, and Text when you get home, okay?" He shouted as you got up to leave, putting a dollar on the counter.

"Pinkie promise." You yelled back, leaving the warm shop and into the cold weather. The breeze was light as you walked down the lighted streets of New York, watching couples hang onto each other, or drunk men and women make out. You entered your apartment and took off your coat and shoes, leaving to the bedroom and into bed before henry could wake up.


You looked at the sky as the sun started to rise, walked down the sidewalk to the park, watching how Leo, short for Leopold, lifted the crying Maya into his arms, and Zay patted chips back. " God, how are we going to have another one with already two troublemakers?" Zay said. You laughed as she glared at Leo.


You all talked about what you wanted to do. You were going to go to the beach, then a restaurant, and then hang out at Leo's house and watch R-rated movies. You smiled, you just had to wait till you got to talk with henry. You headed back to the apartment, changing into your work clothes before heading off to your office.

When you walked in, you looked up, people were staring at you, everyone, not one person looking away. "What?" You asked. One co-worker looked at the next.

"Boss needs you." They said. You nodded before heading to the office where your boss was. When you opened the door, a few people sat. A policewoman, your boss, and a man with brown hair and glasses. He held a file, notebook, book, and file.

"Ma'am?" You asked, confused. She looked up with a small smile.

"Please, sit Mrs. L/n, I'll tell you what this is about in a few minutes." She said. You nodded and sat, looking at the other people. "Okay let's get started, shall we." Your boss smiled and moved a paper in front of you. You started reading it. "We need you to work in the Avengers tower for 4-5 months. You have a chance to have an interview with your next boss if you get in." She said. "They need an intern, and so far, you are the best worker here." She added.

"I see. What happened to the other one?" You asked.

"They passed away due to an accident outside of work." The man said. You look down at the paper. "Please, we think you'd be a great fit. If you get the job, you would get high pay, and the rest of the details for later." He said, a small comforting smile on his face. You looked up at him. "Bruce." HE said, holding out his hand. You shook it, a smile on your face.

"Y/n." When do I have to have it signed?" You asked.

"By next week, same day." Your boss said. "Take the time you need." You nodded and left the room, before returning to your desk.


"You should take the job! I would die to go to the Stark tower!" Leo said, practically yelling.

"Jesus, lower your voice, Leopold! You as loud as a lion." You laughed. "Anyway. I don't know if I should. There are a lot of people in the building. I don't even know what I'm supposed to do, or even who my boss is. What if henry will get mad?" You asked, head on the table, and coffee in hand.

"Hey, I think you're going to do great at the job. Just be yourself. You'll get used to the work and meet new people. Plus, if henry would be anything, he should be happy your moving on in your job." Leo said.

The words of encouragement helped you make your decision. This will be something new, and less boring than an office. You just needed to get an interview and get the job.

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