Chapter 3. Interveiw. Fail or Success?

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You sat in your Car, leg bouncing as you looked up at the tower, knowing you would be having an interview here. You looked at the man's hood that sat beside you in your car. The night with the man-made you feel less anxious than you were, but you still were nervous.

Finally, when it was time to leave. You closed your door and grabbed your bag, placing it over your shoulder. You weren't wearing anything fancy. Just jeans, a black button-up, and vans. You walked inside, it was nice, big, and... Well, you didn't know how to explain it. You walked up to the front desk, waiting in line with a few others. The elevator doors opened while you looked at every detail.

When you looked over, you were met with the eyes of Bruce. He smiled and waved you over, calling. "This way Mrs. L/n. No need to wait since I'm right here." He said, not yelling loud but more in a soft, quiet way. You nodded before following him back into the elevator. You stood in a sort of awkward silence but chose not to change that. When they finally opened, you followed him into a room and sat down on a chair. "Sit in here, we'll be back in a few minutes. Sorry for the wait." He said a smile on his face.

You nodded and returned the smile. "It's no problem, thank you bruce." You said. He then left the room with a nod, shutting the door. You leaned back and placed your bag on the floor. Looking around, there was a mirror behind the couch in front of you, showing your reflection. You looked quite tired, probably because of the fight you had with henry again. He wouldn't let up so you sleep in the living room, and got ready early to avoid him again.

You played with the ring on your finger, remembering the night you got married. He was sweet, at first. A gentleman, always making sure you were safe. He cared back then, now he was bored of you, now he was controlling, toxic, and you didn't know how to get away, you felt caged in, like a bird in a cat's claws. You sighed. Missing your family, You stopped talking after a fight, you still missed them. But you were too scared to apologize, or even leave to go see them. You breathed in, and out, before sighing and taking your thoughts away from the sad and depressing things of your life.

Looking back at the mirror, you squinted. Laughing when you saw a blinking light. They were watching you, seeing what kind of person you were. Humming to a song as you stared at your feet, thinking if you should say something. You laughed again and looked back at the mirror, tilting your head like a confused puppy.

"Must be boring watching someone sit on the same couch for ten minutes." You said, raising your eyebrows. "I would have changed the channel by now, but do what you do." You said, looking away from the mirror. You sat for another minute before looking back. "No offense, but it's kinda creepy, makes me question why I'm here." You said, a small smile sitting on your lips. "Unless I'm just talking to a mirror... now I sound crazy." You said, now laughing at yourself.

The door opened, and bruce came in.

"You are very observant. One of the first that had noticed." He said, pointing to the mirror. "Out of 49, you are one of the three that noticed. A great part of the job." He said, sitting down. "Also, great to see no hidden feelings under there. That's also another thing we were looking for." He said, scribbling on his note sheet. 'May I ask a few questions?" HE asked, you nodded and he flipped the paper. "Okay, Your full name is Y/n M/n L/n, correct?" HE asked, you smiled and nodded." He continued. "Born in B/Y, and age is Y/A." You nodded again. "Okay, next... Tell me about yourself, Y/n."

You thought for a second. "I.. wasn't expecting that, but okay. I'm in a loving marriage, I moved to new york a few years ago with two of my best friends, and I like the quiet. Love watching trashy rom-com, even when I'm cringing at them. I like to take a small stroll around the city when it's dark. Sometimes I take a drive to central park. I don't know if that's exactly what you were asking, but I'm a pretty boring's" You said. Bruce smiled but nodded.

"That's what I needed, thank you for answering. What are your greatest strengths? And what is your greatest weakness?"

"Strengths? I can drink a bottle of vodka without puking?" You said, he smile and laughed a little. "But honestly, I can do most things a human can, making myself busy is probably my biggest strength. And weakness, Saying no to things, I can some things but not all the time, guilt gets to me." You said.

He nodded as he wrote. "Where do you see yourself in, I'd say, ten years?"

"Oh, that's a trick question!" You said. You never really thought about it. "I don't know. I could be dead, on the streets, famous for something stupid, laying in my best friend's house.... I have no idea." You said.

"Looking back, what mistake do you want to change?" HE asked, looking up to you.

You knew exactly what mistake, you had many, but that one was at the top. You looked down and sighed. "When I was young, like really young. Probably 17 or 18, I, uh, I got in a huge fight with my brother. He ended up yelling something at me and then I insulted him. So I left the house, leaving on my bike. He came after me, and we both ended up drinking and getting arrested for illegal drinking and driving. So if you see that on my record, well now you know... I also crashed my bike into the river, which got me grounded for longer." You laughed. He nodded.

"How would you feel reporting to a younger person than you?"

"They would be my boss, right?" You asked and he nodded. " Then fine were all people, and people need to be respected." You said.

Bruce nodded. "Two more questions, then we'll be done for today." He said. "What are you hoping to gain in this job."

"Anything, friendship comes often, busing myself, I like being a helper I guess, and enough money to make myself and friends happy" You laughed at your last answer. He wrote something down and looked up at you.

"Why should we hire you?"

You hummed and sat back. "I'm not saying to hire me just for what I can do for you but also for other people around me. I believe I can be at your standards whenever needed. I feel as though I know what I am doing in this job enough to work here and in several other places who is in needing of a client. I am not saying you should just look at me for my job but also for my personality, experience, methods, principles, and success in living this long. I understand what you're looking for, and I know I can help fill that gap." You said. He looked at you before smiling and standing.

"Wait here, I think I've already made my decision, but I need to talk to a few others." He said. "Thank you for your time, Mrs. L/n."

He then left and into another room.

You looked around the room once again. You let out a small breath you didn't know you were holding as the door opened and bruce came in, followed by more people. Natasha Romanoff, Tony Stark, Clint Barton, Thor Odin, Steve Rogers, Bucky Barnes, and Sam Wilson. Bruce held his hand out. "Welcome to the crew, Mrs. L/n." He said. You took a minute, before standing and shaking your hand.

Oh god, you felt like you were going to faint....

They all shook your hand, giving you a small smile or a huge one like the big blondes. Thor, you heard was the most bubbly of them, gave you a bear hug, making Natasha shake her head. Bruce gave you the papers, and told you you had a week to memorize everything and read through details, schedules, and rules/guidelines - not that there was a lot there - also making sure you knew the pay and opportunities that lay in the job.

You left the tower with a smile, picking up the phone and calling both of your best friends. They yelled when they bother heard, Leopold told his wife with joy and Amy was still screaming. You hushed them as you drove. You looked back at what all had happened. A voice was very familiar, but you didn't know which one of them it was, or even if it was familiar or if you were just crazy.

You decided to just get home and take a nap before looking at everything Bruce gave you. Parking your car, you stepped out and grabbed the jacket, your bag, and then your car keys. You left the apartment building and into the elevator before pressing your level button. The house was dark when you got inside and sat your things down, you decided to undress and get into your pj's, then watch a few movies... 

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2022 ⏰

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