Chapter 2. Man On The Bridge.

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You sat at the table in the kitchen, looking over the paper you were given three days ago. You still have not decided. Henry was supposed to be home late tonight so you would talk to him. But you wanted to decide right now before he got home. You looked at the text Leo had sent, encouraging you to take the job. You smiled, remembering what he had told you.

Taking the pan, you signed your name on the paper, agreeing to take the interview. Smiling to yourself, you placed the paper in your bag and left it on your side of the bed. Getting up, you left back into the kitchen and started cooking. The phone rang as you start the pasta in the bow. you picked it up and left it on speaker.

"Y/N!" A squall came out of the phone.

"Jesus! Amy quiet down!" You said with a laugh.

"This is the first time I talked to you in a month and you tell me to quiet down? God, I thought we were friends!" She whined. You shook your head and laughed.

"How's your trip?" You asked, looking at the phone, seeing her sitting in a hotel room.

"God, it's amazing! The views here are beautiful. I'll make sure to send you a postcard and a few pictures." She said, a smile plastered on her face. "Not about me right now. Leopold told me that you have a new job." SHe said.

"God, that man." You groaned, knowing Leo couldn't keep his mouth shut. "No, I don't. It's a job interview that I'm taking next week. I don't even think I'm going to get it." You said in all honesty. You looked at the time. Henry should be home soon. You knew that's the next question Amy would ask. It always was. "I've got to go. I have to finish supper before Henry gets home tonight." You said, hanging up the phone before she could say anything.

A soft sigh left your lips as you finished the food. You washed your hand and left to the bedroom, letting the food cool down. Looking at your face, you were exhausted. Tired of working your late-night job and getting underpaid. You needed a break. From your husband, from work, family, and friends... from life. You turned off the light and walked out of the bedroom.

"I see you left the kitchen a mess... again?" Henry appeared, sitting at the table. You looked at him surprised. "Answer me. It's rude not to." He said, slamming his hand on the table.

"Sorry. I just didn't hear you come in." You said, quickly going into the kitchen and grabbing a plate. "I was planning on cleaning up when we were done eating." You said, placing the plate in front of him and sitting on the opposite side. You started eating, silence taking over the room. You then looked up from your food. Anxiety blooming in your chest. Finally, you let out a small breath and looked him in the eye. "I uh, I got a new job offer, well it's an interview for the job. I was going-"

"Don't go, you're not going." He said, glaring in your direction. You paused, then looked down at your food and started eating.

What did he know? You can live your own life. Make your own decisions. Do what you want. What would he do to stop you? You dropped your fork and looked back up. "No, I'm going. It's only for a few months and great pay. Plus I might not even get the job." You said, confidence laced in your voice, HenryLike a flash, his hand hit your cheek.

"Don't disrespect me, bitch." He stood, taking the plate to the counter. "Take the goddamn interview. But let me say this. They won't take your ungrateful ass in, your pathetic, barely can make a good meal. What makes you think you'll be good at the job?" He asked, taking a beer out of the fridge and leaving to the living room. You looked at your plate then stood, throwing it in the trash and cleaning up.

You grabbed your bag from the room and picked up your phone as you left for the front door. You put on your socks and shoes before leaving. You raced to the elevator and waited till it stopped to get out and leave. You walked to your car, your chest feeling lighter than before, then got into your car and shut the door. You looked back at the paper. If you wanted to do something, Henry was always there to ruin it. So you were going to do something you wanted to do.

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