Partners...Maybe More

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This has been a pet project of mine for some time now. I absolutely LOVED the Uncharted movie. It was a great original adventure story and could be seen as a great origin story for Nate and Sully. But one of my favorite things about it was Nate and Chloe's chemistry and the potential they had as a couple. But when I came to find some NatexChloe fics, I found diddly!

So now, I'm jumping into the Uncharted fandom with a Nate/Chloe Fic. It follows Nate and Chloe from the plane to the end of the movie. Enjoy it!!!


***The Philippines***

Chloe Frazer woke up at daybreak. She was a little sore after yesterday. Dodging bad guys, bullets, falling out of a plane, it'll do that to you.

Looking over her shoulder, she saw her friend, Nate, sleeping soundly.

She couldn't help but smile at him. What a man he was. Not just physically, even though that was definitely the reason, obviously. He was hot and surprisingly ripped. And his brown eyes that just-

Chloe mentally slapped herself. She was doing it again. Ogling Nate, but she couldn't help it at times. Wasn't her fault Nate looked good.

But aside from the physical aspects, she also admired his moral compass. He was the kind of guy who looked out for his friends, the kind that wouldn't leave you or hurt you. And she liked that about him.

Not wanting to wake up up, Chloe slowly slipped out of bed and unto her bathrobe she had already grown attached to. She then made herself a cup of espresso and walked about the room, sipping as she did.

The sky outside was beautiful as the sun rose above the island. Truly breathtaking.

Taking another sip, Chloe's eyes lingered to the table next to her when suddenly, something caught her eye.

A slip of paper laid on the table next to Nate's phone. And on the paper we're numbers.

Setting down her coffee and picking up the paper, she examined it more closely and realized the numbers were coordinates. It dawned on her that they were the coordinates to the treasure. Nate must've figured it out!

This was it! She could go and get the treasure, and be set for life. Finally, she had her shot!

But with all of that hope and excitement, Chloe felt something. Some...light poke in her heart. Whatever it was, it made her look to the bed and to the sleeping man within.

It was then she realized that the feeling was guilt. She was getting early flashes of guilt for betraying Nate. For the second time! But there was something else. Something...deeper. Like a feeling of care for him, not wanting to hurt him.

And then it hit her. She liked him! She had a crush on Nathan Drake. After this small time, she had grown somewhat attached to this man. This...this handsome weirdo.

Chloe set the paper down and sat down and ran her fingers through her hair. What was she doing? What a time for her conscience to kick in.

She let out a light scoff, smiled, and shook her head. "Come on, Chlo. Come on." She whispered to herself.

Was she really going to let all of this go? For a man? Even though he was a good man. The first good one she had meet in a really long time. One who hand tried to trick her, hurt her or- there she went again.

Chloe shook her head and laughed at herself. Damn, she had it bad. And then another feeling came in. She didn't want to leave. Nate. She didn't want to leave Nate. He never hurt her, and now, she didn't want to hurt him.

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