Love Is An Adventure(Cameo Chapter)

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Chapter two incoming!!



After the two FINALLY broke their kissing session, Nate and Chloe sat down and began to plan their next move.

The plan was to rent a boat and then follow the direction of the coordinates and see what they found.

So they packed what little they had and headed to the lobby to check out. Along the way, they found themselves holding hands and sharing momentary looks at each other, smiling cutely as they walked.

Chloe blushed a little as she felt better that she now could trust someone and share with them. And that someone was Nate.

Once they made it to the lobby, Chloe broke off to go get their transport she had arranged earlier before she came back.

But not before planting one more smooch on Nate before walking out.

As she walked away, Nate watched in amazement. Chloe really was something. Strong, brave, beautiful(obviously), and much more. He was one lucky guy to get to know her like this.

Coming back to the present, Nate walked up to the counter and checked out for "Victor Sullivan". It was still funny that he had swiped Sully's wallet while they were in the trunk of that car. Needless to say, he was going to be pissed when and if they ever saw each other again.

He had just finished signing Sully's name when...

"Oh, hey! Car-plane kid." Someone called out to Nate.

He turned and saw the same man he and Chloe met on the beach yesterday walking up to him. Nodding to him, he responded. "Oh, hey. Morning."

"Morning. Checking out?"

Nate nodded at that. "Yeah. You?"

"Yes, sir. Just waiting for my wife. She's getting something from the gift shop."

"Oh that's nice. How long have you been married?"

The man shrugged his shoulders a she recalled it. "Eh, a few years. But we've known each other a long time. Took some time before I figured out she was the one, and we had a few ups and downs. But we finally made it."

Hearing this made Nate smile. It was nice to hear that the man was happy with his marriage. "Sounds like it's been an adventure."

The man widened his smile and nodded at that. "Oh hell yeah, kid. Ain't nothing better than an adventure with the right partner."

Nate nodded as he took those words in, knowing what he meant. He was getting a taste of that now with Chloe. Sure, Sully had been there for the most part of it, but with Chloe, well, there was something deeper there.


Speaking of Chloe, the young explorer turned and saw her waving him to come on.

"Well, I gotta go." He said, turning back to the man. "Nice seeing you again, Mister...?"

"Nathan, kid." The man kindly corrected, holding out his hand. "The name's Nathan."

Nate couldn't help but smile bigger at that as that was his name. Fancy meeting someone else with the same one.

"Nice to meet you, Nathan." He said, shaking the man's hand.

"Right back at ya, kid." The man, Nathan, replied with a nod.

And then Nate left, leaving Nathan there alone

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And then Nate left, leaving Nathan there alone. 

"Hey, Love!" someone called to him.

A smile came to him as he knew immediately who it was. His wife. Turning around, he took her by the waist and pulled her close. "Hey, babe."

She smiled and kissed him before looking to the exit where Nate had just left. 

"Who was there you were talking to?" She asked with a smooth Australian accent.

"Someone I met yesterday on the beach. Good kid. Reminds me a lot of myself."

His wife scoffed at that and laughed. "Of course he did."

Nathan laughed at his wife's teasing him. "I'm serious!"


"Well there was this girl with him too. "

That caught his wife's attention, causing her to lift an eyebrow. "Oh was there?"

"Yeah. She kinda looked like you. Just younger."

"Oh really?" Though she did enjoy teasing her husband, the woman was intrigued by Nathan's words. "Well, maybe we'll see these, 'younger usses' one day."

"Maybe we will. Chloe."

The woman, Chloe, smiled at that and leaned forward to kiss her husband. And he returned the kiss, pulling her closer.

The moment was sweet and loving between them. That is, until...

"Alright, you two kids, enough smackin' lips," Someone said, puffing a cloud of smoke from a cigar. "Let's get outta here."

The two broke their kiss and scoffed as they knew exactly who it was.

"Perfect timing as always, Sully." Nathan deadpanned.

The person was an older man in a green shirt, and smirked at that. "Haha, I know. C'mon, I got the car runnin'."

Sully, as they called him, then popped the cigar in his mouth and walked out.

Shaking her head, Chloe shook her head and sighed. Another moment shot by Sully. Of course.

She looked up to Nathan and leaned in close. "To be continued." she whispered into his ear, pecking her husband's cheek before walking out.

Nathan, still heated from the moment there with his wife, let out a sigh and shaking his head with a smirk before following his wife and older friend out.


Haha, more cameos!!! I really wish we could've seen more of Nolan North in the movie but he cameo was great anyway. It would've been great to see more of the original video game cast too, so I brought them in here. I know it's not the same but it works for me.(Just need imagination😁😁)

So I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, there was plenty of Nate/Chloe fluff on BOTH sides. From the new cast and the ORIGINAL cast. So that was fun. 😌😎

Next chapter will be soon(some time after the next chapter of the Next Avengers😉😁), I'll see you guys then!

Laters! ✌🏽👍🏼

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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2022 ⏰

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