Chapter 1

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13 years later

The morning came over the village of Wisp Burrow and the sun flooded through the window of the Lu household. Specifically the windows of the bedroom of Thorn Lu.

Thorn was already up and getting ready for the biggest day of his life. His first day at Maxora, Academy Of Sorcery. "Okay let's see. Spell books: check,amulets: check,hat: check,seals to keep possible longtime curses down: check. Okay I have everything for school," Thorn said to himself. Thorn grabbed his luggage and other things and went down to the Living Room to see his mother.

"Morning Thorn," Thorn's mother said. "Morning mom," Thorn said happily to his mother. "Are you ready for your first day at Maxora?" Thorn's mother asked excitedly. "Heck yeah," Thorn said. "Great. I can't wait for you to join the same school I went to when I was your age," Thorn's mother said. "Me too. Maybe i'll even be in the same track as you mom," Thorn said. "Maybe. Oh look the carriage is here," Thorn's mother said. "Bye mom. See you this Summer," Thorn said running out the door to the carriage to take him to Maxora.

Thorn boarded the carriage. "We'll be arriving at the school in 3 seconds," A disembodied voice said. "Wait what?" Thorn asked. The carriage then entered a magic portal. The carriage rushed through the portal to the school. Thorn instinctively closed his eyes.

When Thorn's eyes opened he found that the carriage had arrived at Maxora. "Oh my gosh. The real Maxora building. Just like the brochure said it would look like," Thorn said to himself. The carriage stopped and Thorn grabbed his things. He hopped out of the carriage and walked toward to the school. "This place is amazing," Thorn said. "LOOK OUT BELOW!!!!!" A female voice said. Thorn looked up and saw a girl hurtling towards him. Thorn yelped in surprise and cast a magic shield that blocked the impact. "Sorry," The girl said. Thorn got rid of his shield and helped the girl up. "Sorry about that. Didn't mean to fly into you. I'm Afric Livio: Maxora first year student," The girl said. "Thorn Lu. Also a first year," Thorn said still sort of recovering from the shock. "I didn't mean to run into you. My carriage dropped me out at the gates which is outside the barrier and the only way to get through is to be invited in or enter through a carriage portal. But I flew over it and my broom skills are crud," Afric said. "Yeah I know about the barrier. I've studied everything about this school. I hear that it's filled with secrets that I intend to find out what they are," Thorn said. "Well then Thorn if we end up on the same track maybe we could search together," Afric said. "I highly doubt that," Thorn said. He walked away from Afric and towards the building. Thorn was astounded by the magic of the school and its students. He walked up to the doors of the school and walked in.

Thorn looked around the Main Hall to see students casting magic. "Oh my gosh," Thorn said in awe. The other first years came into the school. The lights dimmed in the Main Hall and a spotlight shone on an elderly sorceress on a broomstick. "Welcome students both old and new to a new year at Maxora, Academy of Sorcery! I am head-sorceress of the school: Mythia Karsh. This year will be like any other year except there is a special year-long challenge," The sorceress said. Everyone  around Thorn whispered among themselves about the challenge. "The challenge is for the third years. The challenge is whoever finds a special book of Forbidden Magic will give them and their entire track an A+ in their Magical Object Identification class. This is what the book looks like," Head-sorceress Karsh said creating an illusion of the book. It was a brown leather bound tome with purplish-pink jewels and a lock in the center of the cover. "But before we officially start the challenge let's get the new students sorted into their tracks," Head-sorceress Karsh said summoning the six track banners. "You all know the six magic tracks. But to refresh your memories the tracks are: Alchemy,Elemental,Healing,Shape-shifting,Music,and Golem-Making. You can keep your normal magic once you are committed to a track but once you join a track you can't swap and that is the type of magic you will major in. Now let the Sorting Process......BEGIN!!!," Head-sorceress Karsh said. Head-sorceress Karsh then disappeared on her broom. Thorn walked up to the crystal that would transform his outfit into the uniform for his track. He put his hand out and recited the incantation:

Magic crystal from the Earth

Bring my magic towards you Hearth

Once you say I cannot turn Back

Now please reveal my Track

After Thorn recited the incantation his outfit was changed from what he was wearing the the uniform for the Music Track. 'Mom was in the Elemental Track but Music will do' Thorn thought to himself. He walked off the stage and was met by an older Music Track student. "Hello. My name is Reeves and I am this year's Student Head of the Music Track," The Music student said. "Hi. I'm Thorn one of your newest students," Thorn said. "Well it's nice to meet you Thorn. Once the ceremony is complete me and the other Music Track students will show you to the dorms," Reeves said. "Thank you Reeves," Thorn said. "No problem. This is Maxora after all. We take care out the students here," Reeves said. Thorn watched as everyone was sorted. Afric was the last once to be sorted and recited the incantation. The crystal transformed Afric's outfit into a Shape-shifting Track uniform. Thorn sighed in relief that he wasn't on the same track as Afric. "The ceremony has concluded. The Student Heads of each track will take the new students to the dorms," The disembodied voice from the carriage said. Thorn was excited. He followed Reeves and the other Music Track students to the dorms.

A/N: Over 1000 words. Most I've typed in my life

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