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                     Winter was suddenly back in the Ice Kingdom. As a matter of fact, all the IceWings that had gone to war with the Nightwings were back in the Ice Kingdom. He felt someone brush their wing against his. 

                     "Uh, Winter. How did we get here?" Winter's older brother, Hailstorm asked.

                      Animus magic. Winter realized. He wanted to tell him but he didn't want to alarm anyone.

                       "I have no idea," he said instead. He suddenly felt an intense gaze in his direction. Two intense gazes, in fact. He turned around to see his mother, Tundra and his cousin Snowfall, the new IceWing queen, glaring at him.

                        Mother, his mind flashed. how am I going to break the news about Father's death to her.

                         "How are you still alive?" Tundra hissed. She had never been very fond of Winter, even when he hatched.

                          "Yeah, tell us! AND THAT'S AN ORDER!" Snowfall demanded. Tundra frowned in her direction. It was clear that Tundra didn't like bowing to her niece.

                           Why would they care? So what if I'm not dead, you could just exile me for good and go back to your own lives. Winter thought fiercely. "None of your business, mother. Although, father had a much bigger reaction when he saw me. And by the way, he's dead." Winter said, both coldly and harshly. Tundra's eyes widened, shocked at the news of her husband's death. Winter felt pity for his mother, but didn't dare show it.

                           "I'm sorry, mother. But I have to get going," he said emotionlessly. "I don't belong here anyway." Because I have a place in the world other than the Ice Kingdom: with my friends, with Moon.

                           Before he took off, he turned to Hailstorm and said, "Take care of yourself, big brother."

                            "You too, little brother." he called out behind him as he took flight.

                             Now I can get back to my real tribe, Winter thought. To my real family.

Wings of Fire: The Devils WhisperWhere stories live. Discover now