part 1, the attack

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Oh before we start, one thing I will mention, I will update this story when I have ideas. Oh and ill add pictures when the context is needed.


2867, April 23rd

A halberd class destroyer was on its routine patrol pattern across Uni Centauri 1, a faraway planet from the inner worlds, aboard 650 people were on it, midway through the course they stopped at a friendly refuel depot unbeknownst to them something very bad was about to happen.

Onboard was an officer of the marines lieutenant blucher, one of the 3 officers on the ship, she had gotten aboard a week ago when it had first started its patrol, during that time she familiarized herself with the ship.

While the crew we're refueling someone had snuck in C-12 in 30 minutes everyone's life was about to change from peace to war. 30 minutes the clock was ticking then a boom was heard followed by the ship's engine the blue I'm engines turned off.

The ship was falling to the ground as secondary explosions tore it in half blucher saw a fellow officer hanging by a thread "I GOT YOU!" She grabbed the officer when the officer was about to lose their grip and pulled them back up "get to the escape pods!", they ran down the corridors as the gravity shifted and both of them were forced to do low gravity maneuvers to get to the pods, they launched the single man escape pod as they saw the ship tearing itself apart.

The ship kept falling to the ground at increasing speeds more escape pods were seen, the UEGN Harvest was gone, this act marked war as a new faction rose and took over 60% of the entire UEGN naval forces they had been orchestrating this plan for decades acquiring members to help them achieve their goals even recruiting an admiral to lead their forces.

Their goal? Wipe out the UEGN and install themselves as a leader in this new world, and they we're not going to stop at anything.

Back on uni Centauri-1 blucher landed down among the wreckage as her pod withstood a couple of debris she opened the pod with the emergency explosive bolts and sent out a rescue beacon as she set up camp waiting for someone to pick her up. Of course, someone did. She was picked up and brought to a FOB where she got patched up and informed of the situation, her orders? Head back to Earth and receive orders from there.

It was easy for the front lines were star systems away, so she boarded a transport and went to earth getting assigned a squad to lead, while the earth government was preparing its defenses just in case something really bad happened.

She arrived at the landing pad immediately a guard checked her identity and service record as well as ran a backround check on her to make sure she was not up to any bad and make sure a repeat of the harvest was going to happen again. Once she was done she got assigned to a ship that had her squad on it, she sat down at the barracks had a cold beer, and waited for their next mission.


Alright, folks, that is it for this chapter we get to meet the squad later on when I figure out their names so yeah anyways, I hoped you enjoyed it and see you next time!

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