Chapter Five: Jack's Choice

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Jack stood frozen staring at Rainie, she was kneeling beside Gran Ivy's bed, her head on the old woman's chest, bawling. The harder she cried, the harder the rain fell. His heart broke to watch her cry, but he did not know what to do. Finally, he walked over and placed a gentle hand on her shoulder, "Come on, let us lay her to rest. The Hunters may come back to this area, and you should not be here when they do."

Rainie looked up at him, her eyes red from crying, "What do I have left to live for? They have taken Dawn, Gran is gone, I have nothing left."

Jack shook his head, "Rain, that is not true. You have me. Come, let me protect you like I promised her I would."

Rainie shook her head, "No, you need to leave. I think it best we part ways now."

Jack's mouth fell open, "You do not mean that. Not after all this time, not now. Rainie, you can not mean that. You are just in pain."

Rainie stared up at him, "Jack, leave and do not come back. I will not say it again."

Jack stared at her; how could she send him away? Had he not shown that he was willing to stay, did she not know what he was throwing away to offer to hide her? Jack started to argue but decided to let her calm down. He would go to Damnum and get a drink, when he came back, he would try to talk to her again. Yes. That is what he would do. He would give her a chance to grieve, then he would look after her.

Jack slowly picked his way through the snowstorm to where he had hidden his pack with his supplies. After changing into dry clothes, Jack headed toward town, his mind racing. He had been right, they were Magick, well Rainie at least was, he did not want to think about what would happen if someone came upon the little hut with it raining on the inside like it was, what were they going to do. What about little Dawn, she did not deserve to die, unless she was Magick, but did she really deserve to die even if she was Magick? Jack shook his head; he would think better after a drink.

Back in the little town of Damnum, Jack made his way to the tavern, got his usual, and sat in the far corner away from everyone. He was halfway through his drink when someone sat down. Jack started to tell them to beat it when he realized who it was. Sitting in front of him, was none other than Caleb, his little brother.

Caleb stared hard at Jack before muttering, "About time you showed up, I have been waiting for weeks. Why are you late?"

Shaking his head Jack muttered, "I did not realize we had a meeting; therefore, I am not late, you were simply early."

Caleb grinned, "Nah, you are late. You are always late. Besides, it has been nearly a year since we last met. I was starting to wonder if you... Never mind, least you are here finally. What took so long?"

Rolling his eyes Jack smiled, "I was hunting. What about you? Last I saw you; you were following some redhead outside of Convirsion, how did that go?"

Caleb shrugged, shifting slightly in his seat, "The way it always does. How was your hunt? Catch anything good?"

Jack shook his head, "Nah, it was a dead end. What brings you here? You in trouble?"

Caleb rolled his eyes, "Why do you always think I am in trouble? Can a little brother not come find his big brother, to make sure that said big brother is not in trouble? Or can a little brother not just come to see his big brother, especially since he is all the family said little brother has left?"

Jack sighed, "Caleb, what is wrong? Last we spoke, you wanted nothing to do with me. You even told me to never cross your path again or I would meet a brutal end. What has changed?"

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