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"My dear Apollonia," Comosicus said. "You know our families go way back. They helped each other after the Arrival and we helped you secure your place in the Federation. I think it's only fair you help me now."

Apollonia sat in her white chair looking at this ridiculous man. A fair complexion and a decadent personality. She could see sweat dripping from his temples and spit forming in the corners of his mouth when he spoke. The only thing the two had in common was their red attire.

The silence in the office was defeaning as the Pope was waiting on her answer.

Can this bitch take any longer, Comosicus thought. Apollonia heard that.

"Mr. Comosicus, the last time I helped you, the Federation demoted me to this godforsaken rock. It's a miracle I still have a job. Now I'm tasked with prosecuting petty criminals. So tell me, why should I help you?"

"Precisely because you are prosecuting petty criminals. The Federation doesn't care about this part of the galaxy. Moving weapons through Dakka will ensure the Sect safe hiding grounds."

"That still doesn't answer why you need those weapons. Right now all I get in return is the risk of termination for helping you. You are after all, our most wanted. You should consider yourself lucky I didn't call this in. That could have helped me regain back, if not my older rank, then at least a job back on Antioch, or anywhere closer to the hear of the galaxy."

"Why didn't you call it in then?"

"Orola was a close friend. I'm sorry for your loss. But I feel like I owe this to her. She loved you very much. Do you think she would want you doing these things?"

The Pope pressed his lips together. "Her death merely revealed to me my true purpose. I have been reborn a new man. I know what I have to do now." 

Apollonia sighed. "Well then, I am asking you one last time. What do you have to offer to me and Dakka?"

"I know the whereabouts of your husband."

Apollonia's eyes widened as her shoulders tensed in disbelief. "I'm listening."


Sunflower walked down the crystal corridors with pressing news but came to a halt when she noticed a man dressed in a red robe come out of her mother's office. She quickly hid under the staircase, behind large and dense hanging red vines drooping from the white marbled stairs. This used to be Sunflower's favorite hiding spot when she was younger. I recognize that shape. It can't be! she thought.

Two guards escorted the man down the corridor and as he passed her, she got a closer look at his face through the vines. Oh mother, what have you done!

The Pope was grinning as he walked down the crystal corridor and out into the sun.


Minds on Fire: Book I - The RevelationKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat