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In a huge auditorium, a beautiful woman in her twenties stood. She was gripping her hands so hard that her knuckles went white. She took a deep breath and started to speak. "Good morning to all of you students. My name is Rayla Thorton, yes, the Rayla Thorton. I was an old student here..." she smiled nostalgically, showing her pearl white teeth. " What amazingly exciting times I had here.. I am here to share a very important lesson of life, which either already has happened or will happen sometime in the future. Your headmaster, Mr Brown has kindly invited me to share this story with you." and she turned to him, the light reflecting off her blonde hair. Mr Brown was a man with brown eyes, brown hair, and a brown suit. But he was also really kind. Ironic much? Students started to whisper about what the story would be about, and how it was to happen at least once in their lives.

Rayla Thorton in present life had beautiful long dark blondish coloured wavy hair, pale white skin, and mysterious green eyes that you could easily get lost in, like getting lost in the wild. But behind the mystery in her eyes, there was a certain pain that was hidden so well that unless you looked really closely, you would never notice. The pain came from the rough life she had, being an orphan, being bullied yet not giving in, managing money, and becoming an actress.

"This is the story of my life. But it will tell you something very important. Never give up." she emphasised the last part, telling the students how important that was.

Rayla ThortonWhere stories live. Discover now