Chapter 2. Reassurance

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It took a while for Rayla to adjust. Like, who can? Her life changed upside down, from living in an orphanage to living in a mansion that was as large as a castle. After Ms. Laurence came to adopt Rayla, she was immediately transported to her house by an elegant looking black limousine. 

In the limousine, Rayla, being the curious one, kept on asking endless questions. "What's your home like? Is it close? When do we reach? Are you rich? Why did you adopt me? Everyone used to call me freak...well not everyone...but..." Her cheery voice trailed off, as she realised she had said too much in her excitement. 'So much for keeping my past a secret' she thought. Ms Laurence's head snapped up from Rayla's last statement. "First off, call me Atlanta. Second off, who on earth called you freak? You're a perfectly lovely and ordinary girl! Don't let them affect you, Rayla. They are just jealous of you. It is pointless to dwell on those annoying petty comments, simply because they are not true. The words may make you believe that they are true, and one day, it might actually be true if you listen and care about what they say. So don't care. Trust me, dear, your life will be much, much, better ignoring them." Ms. Laure-Atlanta was out of breath from her rant/encouragement, but she was satisfied, seeing Rayla's face brighten up, although very little. "You really think so?" she hesitantly asked in a shy voice. Seeing the ten-year old girl so uncertain, melted her heart. "Yes...and anyone who says anything against it is a fool. A stupid, arrogant, oh-so-mighty fool, but yes, a fool." Rayla smiled, which made her look wonderful. Even as a child, she had a natural beauty, like her eye colour. 

As soon as the conversation ended, they reached Atlanta's house. Suddenly, Rayla gasped. Whether it was of fear or shock...

A/N-Sorry about the late update and the short chapter annnnd the cliffhanger! I'll update it soon (hopefully)...Sorry again!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2022 ⏰

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