Sleepy day (Luck x Magna)

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{Magna POV}

I just finish waking up and, started walking to the main room when, Luck bumped into me. He looked a bit out of it.

"OI! watch where you're going!" I yelled and grabbed his shoulder. His eyes widened a bit just to go droopy again.

"Oh, sorry. . . " He said with a small smile and trudged off. 'HUH, he would usually giggle and bump into me again' I thought a bit confused and continued to where the others were.

As I walked in I saw Asta doing sit ups while Noelle just yelled at him for no apparent reason, Gordan was attempting sad conversation with Gauche, Vanessa was drinking heavily on the couch and I decided to walk over.

"Hey, did Luck seem off to you today?" I asked, rubbing the back of my neck, with my hand. 'I wonder where everyone went'.

"HMmmm? Noooo, he was fine when I talked to him." She replied back with her slurred words, and then started to drink again. "Ok, thanks." I said leaving her to the wine.

Looking for Luck was harder than I thought it would be, he wasn't in his room, the cafeteria, or the bathroom. Outside it started raining, then it hit me like lightning! OUTSIDE!! I ran out and looked everywhere,  just as I was about to give up I saw it, Luck fighting a wild beast, which would generally be an easy fight for him but, the Boy just seemed to be defending and each time he jumped forward he got pushed back down. 'Now THAT'S weird' I thought, and then I saw the beast about to strike again. I quickly jumped in scooping up Luck in my arms, and rolled to the ground, he was blinking rapidly trying to process what happened. 

"LUCK! What is with you today?! are you okay?" I scolded and lightly set him down.

He looked tired and drowsy, "Y-yea. I'm fine, I just need-" He tried standing up and slipped, Magna caught him.

"You need rest. Did you not get sleep last night?" I interrogated as I picked him up. 'He's looks scared' I worried

"L-last night, I got s-some nightmares, and c-couldn't get any sleep" he stuttered out, clutching onto my shirt, making me blush a bit. "C'mon, let's get you to base." and we walked the rest of the way quiet.

Before we walked in I set him down, so he wouldn't have to explain to everyone. I pushed open the door and we walked in. 

"G-GUYS? YOU'RE SOAKING!" Finral called out in a concerned tone, he got us some towels and we thanked him. I helped Luck to his room, he got on the bed and lay down exhausted.

"Get some sleep" I whispered and was ready to leave, as he grabbed my shirt and pulled me down onto the bed "don't go, p-please?" he sleepily murmured and I lay down next to him and ran my hand through his fluffy hair, my eyes widened as he wiggled closer to me and nuzzled his face into my chest. I flushed "Mmm warm" he mumbled incoherently, I wrapped my arms around him and soon after fell asleep.

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