In My Own Work!

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"I've finally finished working on this novel, It took me a couple sleepless nights ... but I actually did it."

I'm Deiji shiro, an author

And i've finally finished the novel I was working on "In a New Life" , Where the protagonist is a demon that travelled to the overworld disguised as a human boy and then he meets a joyful and cheery girl, the "heroine" who was there guide his heart out of darkness before he decides to destroy the world.

"Well isn't this a wonderful story- I think it's absolutely adorable!"

There was a moment of silence before he spoke once more.

"I worked so hard on this, I just hope people like it." He said as he clicked on the "Publish" button that could clearly be seen on his bright screen.

Deiji then looked at the time, and realized that it was super late and decides to go to bed, but was tempted to watch one more episode of his favorite anime, so he did that and then he went to bed.

Deiji slept surprisingly peacefully that night, little did he know what would happen next.

In the morning he woke up but he noticed something wasn't right,

He was in a room very different from his, he was starting to panic, so he decides to reach for his phone to call someone, he passed by a mirror when he went to get his phone.

And then...

it hit him, not only was he not in his room, but he was in a completely different body !!!

He was still panicking, but he was quite relieved that he actually wasn't in someone else's house and that he wasn't kidnapped.

he calmed down only to panic again.


Deiji began to have a mini heart attack before he calmed down once more.

"I guess I shouldn't worry about that now, I should probably focus on whats infront of me."

Deiji said as he got to work.

Deiji took a look around and saw a school uniform, then he checked the time,

It was actually really early in the morning.

And so he put 2 and 2 together, figured he was a student and got ready for school, but then he remembered he didn't know where his school was- how was he going to figure out where it was exactly? Very easy process really, he took a look at the school's crest on the uniform, and then saw the name of the school , it was called The 'Kuromon Academy'. So he quickly googled that name and got the address. He was proud of himself for having common sense ,in which he doesn't usually use. Before leaving , Deiji did feel the name of the school was familiar, but brushed it off.

"Thank god the school wasn't too far."

The tired Deiji said as he entered the school, thinking about how he ran for a good 20 minutes

After entering, Deiji had gotten a very strange feeling, he didn't know why,

he has never been to this place so why does it feel so familiar-

Suddenly, a tall ,slender figured walked through the school gate, and past Deiji,

This was a boy who had eyes of a very dark brown, yet they looked as if they were glistening, His hair wasn't long, but it looked like it flowed every time he took a step. The way he was walking looked like he was gently gliding across the stone surface. If someone were to describe this boy with two words , it would be VERY HANDSOME.

In Deiji's mind, there was a moment of silence, he felt like he had seen this person before, who could it have been?

But then Deiji came to realize, after analyzing this person,

That it was someone he knew all too well. "Wait, this is-"


Now Deiji knew where he was and what was going to happen, but was not aware of the story about to unfold with his interference.


ALRIGHT, finally done with the first chapter, i'm tired but at least i finished, I hope you guys liked this chapter- and i'll try to keep a steady upload schedule of twice a week, and if you guys have any ideas, you can put it in the comments, see yall on Saturday!

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