Not so bad

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Deiji was in shock, he could not believe he was reincarnated inside his own book!

And he didn't know what to do at this point

Because he was in fact stuck their now , he was just in deep denial because he had  left the reality that he had always known, 

to be in a fictional world so suddenly, who wouldn't be in denial?

The confused Deiji was trapped deep inside his thoughts, and so he hadn't realized that he was just standing there frozen in place.

Akai had noticed that Deiji was standing still, and wouldn't move, so he wanted to see what was going on

Akai had  taken two steps back to see if Deiji was alright,
It took him a few attempts at calling him,  before he finally snapped out of it, Meanwhile

Deiji was trying his hardest not to spit  blood as he was still shocked by what he had to process.

"Are you alright?" Akai asked,

Deiji  reluctantly turned to the other person

"Ah- I'm alright actually, no need to worry"  

Deiji immediately scurried to his class, as if trying to get as far away as possible from Akai 

"What's going on- of all the books I could have transmigrated into, it had to be my own!"

"Ah- Does this mean I have to see the characters  that I wrote,!?"

"This going to be rather chaotic, I think the best thing to do is to avoid them all!"

As Deiji was panicking and thinking of all the possible scenarios that he should prepare for, Akai, on the other hand, was thinking of things completely different. In fact, even if he barely knew Deiji, he was still willing to mess around with him.

"Such an interesting guy"  "Isn't he in my class? " " I wonder if we can be friends?" "Maybe I can screw around a little bit, that wouldn't hurt right?" those were the thoughts that flooded his brain as he also headed to class.

Then Deiji found out, they were in the same class...

That's right, the were in the same class, and not only that, Akai sits behind of him too... could things get any worse for him, Yes they could actually, but we don't talk about that.

Deiji coughed more than 15 times when he saw Akai walked through the door, he coughed another 3 more times when he went to sit behind of him.

At this point all eyes were on Akai, 

Out of nowhere he then asked

"Hey, you were the guy at the gate earlier, right?"

Deiji didn't know whether he wanted to answer or die, but in the end responded.

"Yeah that was you need anything?"

Everyone's attention switched to  Deiji and then back to Akai.

"Oh, not really, I just wanted to clarify something."

Akai had replied.

"Ok then."

Deiji turned back to face the whiteboard.

There was an awkward moment of silence, before people started to whisper,

Deiji was curious as to what all this whispering was about, but he kept his curiosity to himself.

Deiji had then realised that conversation he  had, was just so damn dry, you could say it was drier than JFC biscuits, to be honest, he never ordered JFC biscuits again.

Sooner or later, the teacher entered the classroom, and the lesson begun.

After the class, it time for break,

And can you guess the first person who decided it was as a good idea to rush up to Deiji and ask him to have lunch with him?

If you guessed Akai, you're right, it was him

Deiji wanted to run away and jump out the window, but he couldn't do that, so he had to face this psychotic character that he created with all his courage. He turned to Akai, and said sure, because he didn't want to be strangled on the spot.

They made their way to the cafeteria, Deiji in front and Akai not too far behind.

The got their lunches and sat down, Deiji began to cry inside.

That was because they were the only ones at the table.

If you're wondering why Deiji was so afraid to be alone with him,

It's because Deiji wrote him to  be : controlling, possessive, two-faced, short tempered, crazy, but also extremely handsome.

So the Akai you're seeing now, is just wearing an invisible mask, whenever he's alone, he's a completely different person, who could kill you and get away with it flawlessly.

Akai took the initiative to start a conversation.

"You transferred here a few days ago right, if i remember your name, it was...Deiji, correct?"

"Yeah that's right"

"Ah, I see. Hey, do you want to know why we're the only ones at this table?"

even though he wanted to leave as soon as possible, Deiji was actually dying to know

"Yeah, let's hear it"

"This table.... Is actually my usual lunch spot, no one dares go here if they know what's good for them"

"I rarely ever invite others to eat with me... but I find you quite interesting."



Deiji was screaming internally. What did Akai mean by 'he found him interesting'

Deiji then replied, slightly trembling

"Is that so, I ...don't think im that special, i'm just your average guy." 

" That's what you think? Oh that I think of it when I passed by you at the gate, you were completely frozen, Was I that handsome?"

An 'ahk' left Deiji's mouth as he didn't know how to respond to that question

Akai let out a small laugh and said that he was just teasing.

Deiji had also laughed it off, sooner break time ended and classes proceeded as usual, until school was done.

Deiji was about to walk home, when heard a familiar voice, it was Akai

"Do you walk home this way?"

 Deiji was hesitant to say yes because of personal reasons, but he said it anyway

"Yeah , do you walk here too?"


They proceeded to walk down the road together.

"Hey Akai, what did you mean when you said I was 'interesting'?"

" I really don't understand why you would say th-"

Deiji was cut of by, a rather laid back response

"Oh? I don't know, I just had a feeling that being friends with you would be fun, Other than that, I really don't have anything to say"

Deiji let out a breath he didn't know he was holding.

During the rest of the walk both of them were talking lots, they actually got along pretty well.

Everything was all good

'I guess the villain, isn't so bad after all'

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2022 ⏰

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