1.) Evening Rain

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Tap, tap, tap. Rain fell onto the windshield of Rose's car in a steady rhythm, the sound soothing yet stimulating to her ears.

Tap, tap, tap. She turned the engine of and prepared to leave the dry warm shelter the car gave her to go into her more cozy apartment.

Across the parking lot, to the door, then settled into to comfort of her own living room where she was greeted by a big, soft, dog and her much smaller black cat.

She followed her normal routine. She left her shoes by the door and hung up her keys. She fixed instant ramen and within a few minutes it was gone.

She grew tired of sitting on the couch and went into the comfort of her room, snuggling into the soft mattress.

Levi. He watched from his own car, windows tinted enough to where it was as if he wasn't there. How did he get to this point? It was a question he asked himself a lot. Flashbacks to the day this all started clouded his mind then played in order like a film.

Levi Ackerman was second in command at a company run by his best friend, Erwin Smith. Though Levi did have him, he was a lonely man. He was raised to fight, to kill. However he was never soft until he saw her. The moment he saw her his throat became dry, he started to sweat. Hands shaking, heart racing, his brain all scrambled. But she didn't notice him.

Levi was whipped but he didn't know how to go through with what his heart wanted, no desired, at least in the way he should've.

He saw something he liked and he wanted it, he wanted her. He wanted to hold her in his arms and inhale her scent, putting his mind at ease. To run his fingers through her long black hair. To do not so innocent things to her and make her scream and cry his name and his name only. He wanted to bury himself inside her warmth and make her squirm till release. He wanted to hold her after, exchanging sweet whispers and 'I love you's to each other. He was obsessed.

The rain didn't let up for the rest of the night. Rose stayed inside the comfort of her house, huddled up in bed while scrolling through social media. She noticed a follow request and looked at the persons profile. He was good looking, very good looking, and didn't seem much older than her. It looked like he worked nearby too. Levi. That was his name. She accepted and within a couple minutes received a message.

"Hello. I'm Levi, it's nice to meet you. You popped up on my recommended and you seem to be around my age so I figured we could talk." His approach was formal but friendly so he didn't scare her but didn't make himself seem giddy.

Rose sat and thought of how to respond. "I'm Rose and yeah, same here. It seems we also live in the same area too haha. You sound friendly."
Casual. The simplest approach that you couldn't go wrong with.

They talked for a good thirty minutes before Rose let him know that she was going to go to sleep.

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