The beginning of the end

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Every morning and afternoon, I attacked the wall. I used my Cataclyst, scythe, and even by just kicking it. Even though the Bond kept screaming at me and shocking me, the shocks didn't bother me anymore. I'm actually used to it, and I think it makes her mad not that I care.

This afternoon, Mindy and I went to the wall as usual. She sat a good distance away snacking on some cookies as I took my place at the marker I had placed to show where to keep stabbing. I walked back and forth staring at the wall, and I stopped. "What's up, Ray?" She stood from the grass and walked over.

I grinned, "I can see through! I see home!" Mindy frowned, "I thought this was your home?" I looked at her and saw that she had walked back over to her seat under the tree. I crossed over and knelt in front of her, "This is my home, but so is that. I'm dead, Mindy, I can't stay here." A small smile pulled at the corner of her mouth, "Well at least visit me?" I nodded, "I'll try."

I went back to the wall, pulled out my scythe, and readied for the attack. I backed up a good thirty feet, ran, and leapt into the air stabbing my scythe into the wall making electricity spark into the air. The electricity traveled up my scythe and then into my body. I flew backwards into a large oak slumping to the ground with a grin on my face even though my body was twitching from the shock.

Mindy ran over to me and waited for the twitching to stop before helping me up. "Did I do it?" She shrugged, "I don't know. There was a big Pop and you went flying. I didn't really check the wall, I came to check on you." I peeked around her at the wall, and I grinned. I could see the house.

I ran over to the wall and picked up my scythe. I ran my hand over the blade and it disintegrated. I prepared for the shock and kicked at the wall, but my foot went straight through without anything blocking it. I walked all the way into the clearing and grinned back at Mindy. "I did it! I'm through!" She smiled, "Yep. I guess I'll leave you to it then."

I walked back over to her and hugged her,"Thank you, Mindy. I couldn't have done it without you. I'll try to come back for you when I can. But if I don't, remember me." She frowned, "Why shouldn't you came back?" I frowned and looked away from her, "This world is more dangerous than you know. Stay away from it as long as you can, and you'll be safe. Green eyes aren't safe. Especially when they travel with a tight knit group. They're probably Reapers."

She nodded with a smirk, "Go get them." I hugged her and began my search for Damian and the others even if it meant going up against Orion. Even if it meant dying again. As long as they were safe, I am willing to do anything to get them back. I walked swiftly across the yard towards the mansion with a determined smirk, "Ready or not, here I come."
---------------------------------------------------------so if you guys are ready or not, this concludes this book with a horrible cliffhanger. I'm sorry to leave you on edge, but it had to be done. But! Don't get upset! Another book may rise! Leave your comments and vote! Stay alive, my Familiars!

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