The new kid at school

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"Damian's inspiration above"

The moment I woke up Monday, an impending dread washed over me. My first day of school in a new town. That means that wherever I go, I have to explain who I am, where I came from, yada, yada, yada. "Raven, are you awake yet? You have school, you know?" I was surprised to hear mom's voice. Usually it was dad who woke me up for everything. "Yes, mom, I'm up." I pulled on a blue tank-top, jeans, and sneakers as I straightened my unruly black hair.

I was met downstairs by a steaming pile of buttermilk pancakes and a smiling mom. "Good mornin, sweetie." I smiled and grabbed the plate from her and began exterminating the hot cakes.

I looked up to see her smiling. "Is dad sleeping in? That's a first. Usually it's you who sleeps in." I felt her forehead with a smile. "Nope, not sick. Hmm. There's only one possibility. You must be off today?" She nodded and shrugged my hand away.

I placed my dishes in the dishwasher and sat back at the table. "Yes, I'm off today. I figured you might want a ride to school so you didn't have to walk four blocks on your first day. Is that too weird or anything?" I nodded a little and pretended to feint. She laughed and handed me my backpack as we headed out the door to her red SUV.

As we pulled up to the surprisingly large school, my heart dropped. Even though this isn't my first rodeo, I still hated first days at new places. Other students were already flocking into the school, and I wearily spilled out of the car. "Have a nice day, hun!" she called. I waved behind me as I walked off to the entrance and headed to the office for my schedule.

My first class was simple. Art. I handed my schedule to the young teacher as she smiled warmly at me. "Have you had art before?" I nodded and handed her my portfolio. She skimmed through it grinning. "This is very good, Raven. You'll have a great time in this class." I nodded and before I could reach a seat in the back, she made me do the "new kid" routine.

When I finally finished, I took my seat in the back of the class and started on an assignment as I felt multiple eyes bore into the back of my head. I really do hate being the new kid.

After two more classes of introductions, math and home ec, I made it to my last class of the day. English. I recited my personal information to the class and took my seat in the back. At least in the back, I'm most likely not to be noticed or called on.

As I took notes, a familiar face popped up in my peripheral vision. "Hi, Raven! I can't believe we actually have a class together! By the way, did you like the cookies?" I nodded distractedly. "Great. What are you doing this Saturday?" I froze in my seat. Is she asking me to hang out with her? This is the first time anyone's ever wanted to hang out with me never less talk to me. "I'm not doing anything. Why?" She smiled excitedly, "would you like to catch a movie or something?" I smiled at her and nodded, and before long, it was peaceful again.

Halfway through class, my pen dropped out of my hand and landed under my neighbor's desk. I poked his shoulder, and when he looked at me, I nearly had a heart attack. This guy was gorgeous. His hair is a raven black and his eyes are a mint green. And to make things more perfect, he seemed to be almost angelic with his build and facial structure.

Once I quit ogling at him, I noticed that he looked angry at me for disturbing him. "Um...can you hand me my pen from under your desk? I kind of dropped it." He stares at me a moment longer before grumbling and handing me back my pen. And for the briefest moment, our fingers brushed, and it felt like I'd poked an electrical socket. "Ouch, you shocked me!" That seemed to make him even angrier.

He stared me down again before hunching over his work again. I watched him as if I was stuck in a trance. But before I could look any longer, someone pulled at my elbow. It was Mindy. "What?" I hissed. She flinched at my harshness, but shrugged it off.

"Do you know who that is?!" I shook my head, "A really hot guy with anger issues?" She looked over my shoulder to see if he heard before continuing. "No. That's Damian Castellan. He's said to bring bad luck. Not to mention the fact that he lives in the woods!" She whispered the last part, but I could do nothing but think of how hot he was.

That night, I couldn't sleep. I saw him every time I closed my eyes, and it wasn't that it was bad, it was that I didn't know this guy, and I'm dreaming about him. That's pretty strange in my books. When I finally fell asleep, I let the dreams come so I could see what my mind was trying to show me. And what I saw, was pretty good.

-------------------------------------------------Ok. Second chapter, yay! So what do you think? Good, bad, WHAT!? Don't forget to comment and vote and "drive it like you stole it!" Really guys, I hate that commercial, but it's stuck in my head. Had to get it out there so I could get it off my chest.

Ps. How about blue now? The color blue will be popping up randomly, so keep a look out!

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