You caught me while I'm down

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Cold sharp air bit at Bakugou's cheeks. His hands were stuffed into his pockets and were unlikely to come out again until he had reached a warmer space. Bakugou had his eyebrows furrowed and was frowning. With every breath it felt like a million icicles scratched their way down his throat, infecting his lungs and choking him. He stomped angrily up to his door, unlocked it and wrenched it open, shutting the door quickly and trudging inside.

To his annoyance, the hallway was cold and empty. No fire had been lit, no heating had been put on and no warm soup was simmering on the stove. Bakugou felt so vexed, his anger was starting to warm him up. He heard a soft meow from up stairs and his heart sank with fear. Was his baby ok? He almost sprinted up the stairs to where he found his darling kitty cat snuggled up and shivering in her bed.

"Oh my baby!" he cried dramatically, leaning down and showering her with kisses. He scooped her up and tried to warm her. Bakugou walked to the heating panel and turned it up, he also put on his blanket warmer and rested his baby down on the bed so she could warm up. He knew he only had himself to blame for the cold house but stubbornly ignored responsibility. 

He was often glad he lived alone because it meant he could go all soft and gross and no one would know, except for his cat of course. It was moments like these however, that made him wish for someone to come home to. Bakugou sighed and got on with making dinner. He had taken off his jacket and boots but had kept his wooly jumper on. It was an embarrassing one that he only wore alone. It was a pale purple and had a pretty floral pattern around the edges. His grandmother had made it for him years ago and even though he didn't say it, he secretly loved it.

Dinner had been eaten, his baby had been warmed and fed and now he was ready for a hot bath and bed. Bakugou yawned and stretched, already halfway to the bathroom when the doorbell rang. Forgetting about his ridiculous attire, he made his way to the door. He opened it grumpily and was greeted with a tall, bright red headed man: Kirishima. "Hiya Katsuki!" he said brightly, fog flowing out of his mouth like a chimney. The red head stared at Bakugou and started laughing loudly. Bakugou raised an eyebrow in annoyance. "What Ei?" He grumbled tiredly. "Nothing."

Bakugou reluctantly let Kirishima in and made some tea for the two of them. This man had been following him around since there first year of highschool and for some reason, Bakugou let him. He plopped down on the couch and gazed at Kirishima. "So, what do you want?" Kirishima smiled cheerfully. "Do I need a reason to hang with you?"Bakugou clicked his tongue in agitation. "I was about to go to bed! Why disturb me!" Kirishima looked confusedly at the clock. "But it's not even 8 o'clock?" Bakugou sighed and took a sip of his tea. Kirishima would never understand just how important his sleep is. 

Kirishima continued to chat even though Bakugou was barely hanging on to a word he was saying. "And then the villain tried to escape can you believe it?! But don't worry, I got him before he could get 5 meters!" He finished proudly. Bakugou clapped unenthusiastically but when he saw Kirishima's face droop he dished out more praise. "Pretty impressive, I basically just did paper work all day." Kirishima smiled kindly at him and Bakugou felt his chest warm.

Kirishima had an effect on him. He made Bakugou's mind clear and his whole body relaxed, no one else made him feel like this. Before he could stop himself, a smile spread over his lips. The red head watched Bakugou in amazement. "You look so calm." he said, voice a bit quieter than before. Bakugou tried to fight it back but he was already under Kirishima's spell. "Only for you." he replied, in barely a whisper.

The room was silent and Bakugou's mind suddenly caught up with the situation. It felt as if his inside had suddenly disappeared and he was now filled only with anxiety and regret. The horror of his actions replaced the gentleness on his face and when he saw Kirishima's own shock he felt even worse. "I-I mean... Only an idiot like you could think I'd ever be calm!" he yelled defensively. Rather than looking offended by his words, Kirishima's face changed to amusement.

"That's not what I heard~" he purred, pouncing over next to Bakugou. "You only relax in front of me huh?" he said in an antagonising voice. Bakugou shoved at him but Kirishima's positive reaction helped him calm down a bit. "You need to get your ears checked weird-hair!" he muttered bitterly. Kirishima ignored his insult and clasped his arms around Bakugou's neck. "Am I your favourite?" he asked in a sing song voice. Bakugou was too tired to make up any excuses. "Duh, I thought that was obvious." he replied. The red head sat up and looked down at him, astonished.

The look on Kirishima's face coaxed a giggle out of Bakugou. Kirishima only became more astounded. "You are so cute today!" he said in a confused but pleased voice. Bakugou sighed and turned his head onto the pillow. "You caught me while I'm down." Bakugou's breathing slowed down and his heart returned to a steady pace. His eyes were fluttering closed but Kirishima didn't say anything.

After a minute Bakugou felt a warm body slide down beside him and strong arms gently embraced him. Neither of them said a word as they lay in each other's arms. Kirishima's rising and falling chest lulled Bakugou into a slumber and Bakugou's small, sweet breaths soothed Kirishima to sleep. That night, the two of them got the best sleep they'd had in years.

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