Reconnecting and Grandpas in The Sky

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Lucifer and Dan held hands tightly as they walked through the streets of the silver city, it truly was the most beautiful thing Dan had ever seen. Trixie and Rory were not leaving their sides but were looking around with wonder. Lucifer was holding onto Trixie's hand and Dan was holding on to Rory and he also had Santana in a sling. Dan could sense that Lucifer was nervous and so he just tried to keep calm.

"You know, maybe while we're here we should see John Decker, he's Rory and Trixie's grandfather after all, and even though Chloe isn't around, I think that her Dad would want to meet them," Dan suggested, "I think that would be nice, Rory, Trixie, would you like to meet your Grandpa John?" Lucifer asked the two girls, "yeah Papa," Trixie said, Rory just nodded, in too much shock of being in the most beautiful place she's ever seen to muster any words. "Ok, we'll go meet Grandpa, then we'll go meet Grandad," Dan said.

When they made it to God's office (why God needs an office I don't know) Lucifer was almost vomiting he was so scared, "Papa are you ok?" Rory asked, "yes, Buttercup, Papa's fine, it's just been a long time since I've seen my dad," Lucifer said. "Do you need a minute babe?" Dan asked, "yeah," Lucifer said whipping sweat from his forehead. "Baby, look at me, I know you're scared, I mean, we're in fucking heaven, and we are about to see your dad who is literally God, and I know he wronged you, but this is a chance for a whole new start," Dan said, Lucifer smiled and pecked his husband's lips, "what did I ever do to deserve you," Lucifer sighed.


"Hello, son," a deep voice said, Lucifer froze, all of heaven fell silent, The Lightbringer and the Almighty were reuniting after millennia apart. "Hello Dad," Lucifer said, they stared at each for another few minutes before God pulled his son into a bone-crushing hug. "I missed you my Lightbringer," God said. Lucifer just changed the subject, he was supposed to be happy and he wanted Trixie, Rory, and Santana to have a good experience meeting their grandfather for the first time.

"Dad, this is my husband, Dan, Dan this is my father," Lucifer said "it's a pleasure to meet you, Daniel," God said putting his hand out to shake which dan accepted. Holy fuck he just shook hands with God himself. "I-it's a pleasure to meet you too," Dan said, not knowing what else to say. It was still kind of serile, ya know, being in heaven and being God's son-in-law.

"And dad, these are your Granddaughters, Beatrice, Aurora, and Santana," Lucifer said, his heart was racing, Trixie and Rory were so scared (partly Lucifer's fault for telling them so many stories about how horrible his father was) that they couldn't even speak.

His father gently took Santana from Dan's arms, the squirming Nephilim was curious about this new person who looked like her Uncle Amenadiel but older, and finally, she warmed up to him and unfurled her golden wings, "what a beautiful child," God marveled, "and you, Rory and Trixie are beautiful too," he added.

The girls smiled and finally gave their grandfather a hug which Lucifer and Dan thought was adorable, Dan took out his phone and took a few pictures before a tinkling noise could be heard and a liquid rand down God's leg.

Dan and Lucifer looked on in horror as Santana Peed on God. "we're so dead," Rory said rushing to hide behind Lucifer. But to their relief, God busted out laughing. "A great many things have happened here in heaven... But I have never been pissed on," God said whipping tears of laughter away.


Later that day, Lucifer and Dan along with Trixie, Rory, and Santana found themselves at a table across from a man they had seen so many pictures of, John Decker.

"It's nice to meet you, Detective Decker," Dan said shaking his former father-in-law's hand. "Yes, it's very nice to meet you," Lucifer said also shaking John's hand. "Please call me John," Chloe's father said. "Um... well, you have probably heard, but these are your granddaughters, Beatrice and Aurora, oh and this is their half-sister, Santana," Lucifer, said.

Both girls ran around to hug their grandfather. He had tears of joy running down his face, "Hello young ladies," he said. "Can I ask where Chloe is?" John asked. Dan and Lucifer looked at each other and Dan nodded at Lucifer.

"We don't know, it's been four years since we've heard from her, she just left without a word," Lucifer explained. John gave them a sad smile as started to tell the girls stories of his days as a cop. 

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