Chapter seven

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It's been a week since I killed six members of Samantha's clan for trying to attack her. It's also been as long since I found out I was pregnant with twins. Things have been calm since then and I can tell Samantha is grateful for that and honestly, so am I. 

Tonight I will go through the ceremony to officially become part of the clan. I was hanging with some of the girls while Samantha helped prepare her the ceremony. She's been comfortable leaving me with members once everyone accepted me. I don't blame her for wanting to make sure I'm safe.

We were sitting in the entertainment room, watching a movie and I wanted something to snack on. I got up to head for the kitchen and my head started to spin. I sway with a hand on my forehead and Maria stood up to steady my balance. 

"Are you feeling okay? When was the last you ate," she asks with concern. 

"Sam," I say in a wavering whisper and pass out in Maria's arms.

Vanilla and lavender fills my nose as my eyes flutter open. I was laying on the couch in the entertainment room with the girls looking at me with worried eyes. Samantha caresses my face in her hands and I meet her scared eyes. My head was still spinning and I groan, covering my eyes with my hand.

"What happened," I ask in a wavering whisper. 

"You stood up to get a snack for the movie and passed out from a dizzy spell," Maria says with worry in her tone.

"How long was I out?"

"Just a few minutes," Samantha chokes quietly, caressing my stomach. "What did you eat last?"

"I made her a tuna fish sandwich at lunch," Dylan says sympathetically. 

"Tuna fish has mercury in it, mercury is bad for pregnant women," Anna says softly. "How much of it did she eat?"

"Half a sandwich with some of Sam's apple pie," Dylan says apologetically. 

"You didn't know," Samantha says quietly with understanding. "I didn't know either."

"I'm too dizzy to sense them," I choke in a scared whisper. 

"Shhh, they're fine," Samantha says in a soothing whisper and I let out a relieved breath. 

"Don't tell your mother, she'll hover me like a hawk," I say quietly and she lets out a laugh. 

"I thought you loved her motherly love, " she jokes with a smile.

"Shut up," I say with a humorous smile. 

She leans down to give me a kiss and then kisses my stomach. "Samantha, you're supposed to be helping me prepare Kennedy's ceremony," Eloise says in an authoritative tone. 

"That's my fault," I say with a guilty smile. "The girls said I could call her through the bond, I thought I'd give it a try."

Eloise shoots me an understanding smile and walks away. "Liar," Samantha says quietly with a smile. "You figured that out three days ago while I was in the shower."

"You could just say thank you for saving you from her wrath," I say with a mischievous smile. "It's going to cost you next time."

She gives me a kiss before going back to help her mother with preparing for tonight. Dylan takes my feet in her lap and Anna sits with my head in her lap. Anna massages my temples and I groan with relief, closing my eyes. 

"You're going to put me to sleep," I whisper quietly. 

"So go to sleep," Anna says in a soothing whisper. 

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