Chapter twenty-nine

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****For those of you last chapter who were surprised Kennedy has a third mate this chapter will hopefully give you the answers why. This chapter starts off in Bethany's POV and she will start having her own POV from this point forward. Also just so you're not asking questions, this chapter is through what Bethany experienced while Kennedy was still pregnant and before the betrayal of Kennedy's clan. Without further ado.....****


I was in the entertainment room with Kennedy, Anna and a few from our clan. She wanted to build this cuddle nest after she did a full shift to comfort Skylar with missing Rose. I was braiding her hair, admiring how soft her hair felt. I noticed she was falling asleep and stop playing with her hair when she let out this disappointed sigh.

Anna said she was enjoying the affection and I went back to braiding her hair. She looks back with tired eyes and for a brief moment, our eyes held contact. In that moment I felt a slimmer of a connection with her, more than just the clan's bond. I give her a light smile before she turns her head away with a sigh of contentment.

Wanting to be closer to her, I lay at her back. I bury my face in her hair and got a brief faint scent of orchids. It brought Abigail to attention and reach through the bond to Kennedy's leopard. She welcomes it and snuggles closer to me. I scratch at her leopard ears and she opens the link to everyone in the clans.

I woke to Kennedy's leopard letting out a pain filled growl. She was coated with sweat, breaths heavy and crushing Anna's hand. I gingerly rub her side in comfort and listen as she spoke with Anna. "Breathe Kennedy," she says in a soothing whisper and she struggles to take a deep breath."It's going to be okay, just breathe.

"Someone go get Samantha and Skylar," she orders quietly, rubbing Kennedy's stomach. "Tell them Kennedy needs them, now."

Kennedy let out a pain filled leopard growl as I feel this strange feeling through the clan bond. "I need to shift," she says between heavy breaths.

"Sweetie you can't," Anna says in sympathy, doing her best to calm her. "I know it hurts, but you need to try breathing and calming down. Okay?"

Skylar and Samantha run into the room and everyone aside from Anna moves away from Kennedy. "We were all sleeping when she suddenly woke up, squeezing my hand. I don't know what's going on, but the twins movement feels different than usual and she wants to shift because of it," Anna says softly as Skylar cuddles at Kennedy's back and Samantha caresses her stomach.

She looks at Skylar, eyes wide. "It's happening," she says quietly, confused.

"How? She didn't drink our blood," Skylar asks, also confused.

"Technically, she has," Anna says softly, playing with Kennedy's hair. "Sam, she drank your blood the day you found her bleeding out in the woods. Skylar, not long ago she was attacked by rouges with silver blades and she drank your blood. The three of you are bound as one."

"Claire says they're shifting and if I don't shift, they'll die," Kennedy says between stressed breaths and makes eye contact with Samantha. "I'm not sure I can shift back once I'm in full form."

"Do it, I'll send someone to get Martha," Samantha chokes quietly, kissing her forehead.

The shift comes easily and as soon as it's done, she relaxed, panting to catch her breath. Martha comes running in and has a portable ultrasound machine. Her eyes widen when she sees Kennedy in full leopard form. "What have you done? What caused this," Martha demands looking at Samantha.

"Skylar and I were doing a practice run for the enchantment to bind the twins to all three of us. In doing so the ritual started working. Claire told Kennedy that the twins were shifting and if she didn't shift, they would die," Samantha chokes quietly, feeling at fault for putting her through this.

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