Chapter One

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Loki got all of his bags packed and ready to leave for his new university on Midgard. He was being sent there as a punishment from Odin for attempting to steal the throne. He had been left with next to no powers and the body of a human. The university he was to be attending was called Cambridge, and was located in the capital city of England: London. After leaving the hotel where he had been staying until he had gathered enough mortal clothes to get by, he hailed a taxi and was on his way to the new building.

They pulled up out outside the grand buildings and Loki got out, paying and tipping the driver. Gazing up in awe, he began to make his way towards the doors along with a host of other students. This building was like none in Asgard; it was made up of ochre bricks, crumbling cement and slightly dirty glass windows with plastic frames. Entering the doors, he was swept up in a current of other students, all making their way to various halls and classes.

Loki remembered that he was meant to attend an assembly to introduce him to the school. He entered the auditorium and took a seat near the back. As he was one of the first in there, he watched as the others filed in. Eventually, the auditorium was a hive of noise and people. A person stepped up on the stage, and touched their microphone to try and attract attention. He had grey hair and sharp eyes. A hush fell over the auditorium.
"Hello," he announced in a booming voice. "My name is Mr Lestrade, and I will be your headteacher for your coming years. If you have any problems, come to me. If you cause any problems, you will also find yourself coming to me." The last bit of his speech was said with large amounts of authority, but Loki elected to roll his eyes. This mortal was boring him already. He zoned out for the rest of the assembly, contemplating who he would be sharing a dorm with. He hoped it would be someone quiet who would keep the hell out of his way.

He snapped back to reality just in time to hear that they would find out their roommates by looking at a sheet of paper outside the door. Anticipating a massive rush, Loki lounged in his seat for a while until everyone else had left. After a short while, he got up and made his way to the door. He looked at the sheet and searched frantically for his name. There. Loki Laufeyson, dorm 221, B block. Glancing up at the sign, he got his bearings before hurrying off to try and find his room. When he got here, he paused to catch his breath and run a hand through his new, short, black hair. Taking another deep breath, he took out the key he had collected and swung the door open.

There, already lounging on a bed, was a lanky boy with curly dark hair, stunning eyes and pale skin. In his hands was a textbook on chemistry which he was intently studying. Loki didn't even offer a hello before slinging his bags down on the only available bed. As he was unpacking, he caught the other boy glancing at him. He didn't look more than a boy, a few years younger than his mortal body. After he had finished unpacking all his clothes and books, he settled himself down on the bed with his hands placed over his stomach. He began to think about the boy and his personality. He seemed quiet, but there was an air of arrogance surrounding him as well.

Loki closed his eyes and wished for his powers. Life was always more interesting then. As he sighed slightly, the boy spoke for the first time.
"You're not from around here," a deep voice boomed, piercing the silence. Loki wasn't expecting such a deep voice to come from the scrawny body.
"You could say that.." Loki ventured tentatively. The boy studied him again.
"Family troubles," he stated flatly. Loki looked shocked.
"" he was cut off.
"You have no family photos with you, no forms of contact, nothing. Either you don't want to hear from them, or you were sent here in disgrace, both indicating family issues dating back...a few years maximum. You have been well looked after during your childhood, for you look ample height and weight for your age. Your lack of socialising indicates quite a lonely childhood though, maybe due to a rivalry with a sibling, probably a brother, which made you feel inferior." Loki was shocked after he finished speaking. The entire time the boy had been looking at the ceiling, but when he finished he turned to Loki.
"Impressive," Loki drawled slowly.
As the God of mischief he had learnt to mask his emotions easily, and he certainly didn't want to seem in awe of this boy he had only just met. He most certainly didn't want him to think himself superior to Loki. So instead he just turned on his back again and stared blankly at the ceiling. The boy seemed almost confused.
"Most people are at least a little more awestruck by that," he said, almost in protest. Loki turned his head and looked the boy dead in the eyes, his emerald eyes sparking with a fiery mischief he hadn't felt in a while.
"I'm not most people" he replied, almost smirking.
"Oh really," the boy sighed. "And why would that be?"
"All in due time," Loki replied, grinning now. The boy looked at him almost angrily, before turning into his back too, laughing and shaking his head slightly.

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