Chapter Three

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A man stepped up onto the stage. He had a receding hairline, grey hair, an old, wrinkled face and a white shirt which hung untidily out of his trousers.
"Hello," his voice came as a fairly loud boom. "My name is Professor Selvig, and I will be taking you for Norse mythology this year. We will be starting off with the tales of Asgard, and the glorious prince Thor." Loki scowled deeply. Thor. The name sprung horrible memories back to his mind of his brother, nay, adopted brother. Him taking all his glory, the throne he had been promised. Him thwarting his attempt to rule Midgard. He messed up his entire life, and he hated him for that. Selvig began to ramble on about his 'brother' and how 'great' he was. Jim leaned over again.
"Not a fan of Thor then? Judging by your name, I'm guessing your parents supported his brother more," he hummed softly.
"Adopted brother," Loki hissed, putting more venom in to his speech than he has previously anticipated. Jim sat back in his seat.
"Somebody is passionate about a certain mythical God," he said in that sing-song voice of his. "Shut up, I'm trying to listen!" Loki hissed. Jim grinned and sat back down in his seat, humming a tune rather loudly. Loki was resisting the urge to completely demolish him, but he managed to contain his rage for the rest of the hour and a half long class.

Professor Selvig whined on about Thor for the entire time. By the end, Loki wanted to rip his ears off so as he wouldn't have to listen to more sickly praise aimed at his 'brother'. As soon as they were dismissed, he barged his way out and stormed back to his dorm. He flung himself down on the white sheets of his bed, hands pressed tightly to his temples. Sherlock was sitting on his bed, legs crossed and hands steepled beneath his chin. He seemed entirely oblivious to the other man in the room.

Sherlock hadn't had a great morning. He had watched Loki leave, try to deduce more about his past, failed, tried again, failed again, grabbed a breakfast bar, threw on some clothes (shirt, trousers, jacket, scarf, coat) and barged out of the door. He entered his chemistry lesson fifteen minutes late. The teacher glared at him, but Sherlock just rolled his eyes and took the last available seat. There was a man sitting next to him wearing an expensive suit and black hair. The teacher droned on about the experiment or whatever, but eventually they reached the practical. Sherlock snapped on his goggles and turned to his partner.
"So," he exclaimed, clapping his hands together. "What are we doing today?"
"If you were listening posh boy," came an American drawl. "You would hear that we are seeing what affect this," he said, pointing to a bottle, "has on healthy plant cells." Sherlock sighed heavily. "Boring. Did that when I was seven."
"Well sorry chocolate curls," said the American.
"Don't call me that," Sherlock snapped.
"Whoa, okay, what do you want me to call you then shirt of sex?"
"Sherlock will be fine. Wait, shirt of what?"

"Sherlock, hey, the name's Tony. Tony Stark. You may have heard of me..." he began.
"Nope," Sherlock said, popping the p sound.
"Well don't you read the papers?" Tony enquired.
"Have you been involved in any interesting murder cases?" Sherlock retorted.
"" Tony replied warily.
"Well then, that explains everything," he said in a manner that suggested the conversation was over. Tony focused on the experiment, and as Sherlock had already done it and was bored, he got up and left, walking subconsciously towards the dorm.

When he got there, he glanced over at Loki's bed to see if there was anything he had missed that morning. Of course not, he never missed anything. After realising this, he sat cross-legged on his bed and went to his mind palace. This is how Loki found him, some 45 minutes later. He lay in his bed a little while longer, before Sherlock finally stirred. He swung his long legs off his bed and began to pace the room. Loki glanced up at him, eyes full of curiosity. After a while, Sherlock clapped his hands, spun on his heel and turned to face Loki.
"I'm going to the lunch hall. You coming?" He exclaimed, almost enthusiastically. Loki was wary of his sudden change in mood.
"I'm ok thanks." He replied slowly and quietly.
"Brilliant," Sherlock said quickly. "I want expecting you to say no anyway."
"Of course you were." Loki muttered, shaking his head half in disbelief and half in annoyance. Sherlock didn't hear, or pretended not to, and strutted out of the door, slamming it harshly behind him.

Loki sat up on his bed and thought for a while. Or longer than a while. In fact, when he next checked the time half an hour had passed and his stomach was rumbling furiously. He gave in to his urges and made his way quickly to the dining hall. Hundreds of puny mortals milled about, chatting to each other and eating. Their lives looked so dull to Loki, lacking the glorious battles and illustrious feasts he had become so accustomed to on Asgard. He sighed heavily and made his way into the queue. There he stood, blocking out the pointless background whines of the other pupils. Eventually, he reached the front of the queue, and grabbed a sandwich. He wasn't entirely sure of the contents, but he assumed it was ham and cheese considering the fact that seemingly everyone else had that. He glanced quickly around the hall, seeing if there was anywhere he could sit. Of course there wasn't, he had nobody here.

He was just turning to go when he felt a pat on his shoulder. Spinning around, he saw Sherlock standing there.
"Come and sit down." He said almost emotionlessly, before he turned and strode towards an empty table. Loki sighed for the millionth time, before he followed the lanky boy towards the table. He wasn't one to be bossed around but he needed at least one ally in this new world. They sat down, and Sherlock began to eat. He only ate half a sandwich before he tossed the rest in the bin.
"Why'd you do that?" Loki asked.
"Do what?" Sherlock replied, mouth full of bread.
"Throw the rest of that away?" Loki said.
"Oh, digestion slows down my thinking process." He replied like it was nothing. It was surprising to Loki, who enjoyed his food. A lot. He devoured the rest of his food while Sherlock gazed, with a look of boredom in his eye, at seemingly nothing. He always seemed bored, and Loki understood his feelings. Midgard was so, so dull. Nothing went on inside their tiny minds, it was just the same routine over and over.
"You seem more like me than I previously thought..." Sherlock began. Loki was confused. "Come on, let's go back to the dorm." Sherlock pushed his chair away from the table. Once again, Loki wasn't used to this bossing around but there was something about Sherlock that made it seem...normal.

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2015 ⏰

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