Chapter 4: Preparation for a New Challenge

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Last time Ash successfully got a spot in the Rescue Force and he told Marnie, and she said

MARNIE: "Its not about money, its about your life...."

There was a few moments of silence. Ash eventually heads to make dinner for both of them. Marnie soon joins him and for a while both of them dont utter a word.

ASH: "So this whole time when I was preparing for this test, you were feeling sad about this?"

MARNIE: "I was thinking maybe we both could stay together until everything's sorted and manage by ourselves. The thing is, I had a lot of problems when I was living alone and I thought with a roommate the burden would lighten up a bit."

ASH: "Did you have any roommate before me?"

MARNIE: "No I didnt have anyone, you were the first one!"

ASH: "Whatever is the problem, dont worry too much Marnie. The quicker this issue gets solved, we would be safe and after that if you want, then we could live together."

MARNIE: "I barely even know you! We both have just been together for 3-4 days and now we are getting separated again. I just wish to know you a bit more before you go at your work."

ASH: "I got it! So you want to hang out with me for the next 3 days."

MARNIE: "Yeah! For the next 3 days, I dont care how much money we are spending. Its fine if we spend as much as we have. But lets enjoy these times before you get into work because you wont get time to do these. And also, even I want this issue to get solved quickly so I would support your decision always."

ASH: "Thanks a lot, Marnie! I would like to say, if you want to join the forces then you can come with me as well."

MARNIE: "Well if I am honest with you, I am not eligible enough for these. No not by criteria they have put, but you need to have a fighting spirit for this and I lack that a lot."

ASH: "Oh, okay. I wasnt forcing you, its only your choice. So what's the plan tomorrow?"

MARNIE: "For the next 3 days, lets forget that you have these work and explore the entire city. Its really big and there are many things to cover here. We would use public transport for travel and dont worry, I would plan the areas out and show it to you. Does that sound good?"

ASH: "Yup! That sounds pretty good. Now that we have almost finished our dinner lets take out the city map and check what is there."

So Ash and Marnie bring the city map on the table and start looking at it.

ASH: "The city is so big that the nearest attraction spots are like an hour away from us."

MARNIE: "Haha! As I told you, these are the last of buildings in the city for now. Further projects await their approval so soon parks, and entertainment facilities would be built near us as well. But for now, we have to adjust."

ASH: "The station's pretty close to us. And if I am not wrong, there's a 7:30am train that goes from here to the main area of the city. Lets start exploring from there."

MARNIE: "Seems like a good idea. Starting the city from exiting The Central Hall, and now even the hangout would start from there."

ASH: "Lets not waste time then. We wont get the time to pack our stuffs. Get some basic snacks and check how much money do we have. if we dont, we can withdraw some later on."

Marnie agrees and after 15 minutes, they both come to the hall again (not the Central Hall :P).

ASH: "So what have we got?"

MARNIE: "We have enough money for the first day, and for the second day we have to take some extra cash."

ASH: "Hmm that's fine and as for the snacks, we have a good amount so its ok if we leave some at home."

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