2. 'Who is She?'

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Deneo has been without a phone for about 2 year, and a distressing couple of years it has been she now sharing a psyche with two creepy men who claim to be reincarnated Jesus Christ, and God Father. Yeah, so apparently Jesus and God don't live forever but keep dying and reincarnating. Deneo has, of course, thrown away her bible at this point.

To speak further on her psychosis, she hallucinates them: two men, well the one seems more like a boy. His name is allegedly Austin Robinson. Allegedly because I take everything they tell me with a pinch of salt. He had apparently first encountered her on SoundCloud, as 'Thunder1'. She remembers they were great 'friends', about to collaborate with one another when Austin came to her in a different way. Another fated encounter?

Austin had athletes feet so his limbs were surgically removed. The other's name is Maya. And he... tum-ta-da-da, has HIV. 

One can just imagine how much of a nightmare Deneo's life is.

They're always with her, the two men, when she wakes up in the morning, when she eats, and even when she takes a shower. Being men they often molest her and she has no way of getting them away from her. The pills don't take them away.

After many rejections Deneo, in the year 2022, finally gets another Instagram account. 

To explain what the problem was: she would sign in and she'd be informed someone already has her username. She couldn't remember her username having changed it several times before. There was the option of entering one's phone number instead of a username, but her phone, which she last had in 2019 accidently got dunked in the washing machine. 

She was fighting with her sister and things got physical. Her pyjamas were trampled on so she decided to wash those and her blanket before escaping to school and staying there for many days on end without showering. It was an ordeal but she couldn't bring herself to look at her sister after what had happened.

On Day 4 her sister sends her a message letting her know they, her family, were worried about her, not knowing where she might be. Deneo returns home on Day 5. Early in the morning. With no explanation. She decides to completely ignore her sister. And so they were able to stomach each other until in 2021 after being diagnosed, as though she were the only problem, they decided to make a truce, and have now become close friends. It took two hard years of hate.

Now she hated Austin and Maya. Austin more especially. Even loathes him. He was an open book racist: but likes to shag the black girl; but hates black people. Although I wouldn't say 'hates' more than looks down upon. He believes in the supremacy of the white race and scoffs at anything else. The black race in particular. Everything he says is couched with a nigga or kaffir to get Deneo raging mad. Kaffir, a derogatory term for black South Africans, is the worst considering apartheid ended in less than three decades ago unlike slavery.

Deneo has no friends. They all left her behind trying to complete her MA. It's been a terrible 6 going on 7 years. She went on a hiatus from the third year till the 6th, when she poured her soul into writing. When she thought long and hard about Lucky. His marriage was a disappointment to her. 

Maya, who looks like Lucky (tallish, lean, with long hair, weird teeth and a bent nose) has the same birthday as Lucky, the 4th of June, claiming the reason why Deneo was so distressed thinking she was to marry Lucky was because she had to meet and 'marry' aka shag him. Maya avows that Deneo belongs to no other man but him. Imagine that? He sleeps around, gets himself infected and then has the audacity to claim untouched Deneo as his virgin bride. Christ marrying the Church was supposed to be something sacred but even he has coitus. I'd rather be a second wife to bleach haired Lucky Blue Smith than mouldy old Jesus Christ the philanderer, thank you very much!

Lucky in his bleached hair state, is an intriguing figure for the Christ. Now it all made sense why I thought I'd be his wife. His second wife. Lucky Blue Smith being mormon is likely supposed, as Jesus Christ, marry many virgin brides. I doubt Nara Aziza was a virgin on their wedding night. But then again, wasn't it supposed to be me and not her?

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