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Villain series

The villain in disguise ( villain series 1)

There are two sequence in this series. Perhaps all of the series are interconnected.




This story is dedicated to those who have become pawn for others, to those who are unable to express their concerns or difficulties. People who wear masks to pretend they are fine when they are not; those who suffer mentally but conceal it; and those who struggle to have true friends. This story depicts that you can have true friends at the right time and change. It is critical to recognize the significance of interpersonal relations. It's fine to be weak, but we should remember that not everyone is brave or strong.

This will educate and make people realize that no one is perfect. People can suffer but choose to hide it and spread positive vibes to others.

This is a fictional work. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and occurrences are either made up or used in a fictitious manner by the author. Any likeness to real individuals, living or dead, or real events is entirely coincidental. 

The contents of this piece may not be distributed, published, transmitted, modified, displayed, or exploited in any way. Please get permission beforehand.

The villain in disguise (Villain series 1)Where stories live. Discover now