Dating Eddie Kaspbrak Would Include

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* Cuddles, Lots of cuddles.

* You are the closest to Stanley and Beverly (other then Eddie obviously).
* Your biggest fear is losing loved ones.

* You would often get mad at Bill for getting you all involved in killing IT.

* You had very brittle bones and would often injure yourself.

* Eddie would always be way overdramatic and overprotective when you get the smallest bruise.

* At first he wouldn't let you go into the grey water with Richie and Bill even when you wanted to.

* Pennywise would take form of all of the loser club members in a line. In the front of the line there is Eddie. He would insult you over and over again while the others nodded.

* Eddie would comfort you when IT scared you and vice versa.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2022 ⏰

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