Chapter 1

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*Harry's POV*

Saying goodbye to the boys, I checked my watch. 2:00am. When did it get so late? I headed out of the restaurant, adjusting my beanie and shielding my face from the cameras. Quickly unlocking my car, I got in and started it up. I rolled down the windows, as the restaurant had been hot. Once out on the main road, I turned on the radio, just as 'Style' starting blasting from the speakers.

Sighing, I turned it up, knowing that I couldn't resist it. Taylor seemed to be everywhere at the moment, on every magazine and every website. I couldn't stop myself looking at the photos of her on the covers of magazines. She always looked so perfect.

I slowed down to turn down a road. As I was driving I couldn't stop my eyes from drifting up to her house. I remember the hours we spent there, laughing and having fun. Then I frowned, remembering the last time I was there. She probably hates me after the last time we spent together. I wish it didn't have to end that way between us.

Soon, I was at the end of her street and was turning off of it. Every day that I drove past her house, I wished that I could just have enough courage to get out of the car and knock.

One day, I told myself, bringing my car to a stop as I realized I was outside my house.

I Wish You Would (Haylor)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora