Chapter 27

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Guns' p.o.v

I started looking for quite places around the castle, but I could never get to relax before there was loud noises coming from everywhere. I can't pray if I can't have it completely quiet.  This is a big problem, if I can't pray how can I make myself feel better. Off is out there fighting and here I am doing nothing to help. My whole body feels like it might crumble from all the stress. There has to be a way for me to get a chance to pray for Off's safety. It's been two weeks since I woke up here and he hasn't even sent a letter to me this whole time. Its worries me even more because that means that he is so busy with fighting, or he's hurt that he can't even send a letter. 

Please let me find a place to pray for him. Maybe I'm just having separation anxiety since I haven't seen him. I can't stand this anymore, I'll just go to bed.  At least I can see him in my dreams. It really does nothing to worry, all its done is make me feel tired and gave me a fever. I lay down and soon drift off to sleep. 

I feel myself wake up in my dream but everything is a little hazy. Then out of the shadows Off appears. It's just like how all my dreams start off. There are no words spoken as I run to him and wrap my arms around him. It's weird, I swear his touch feels so real. My eyes are still hazy and my body is sluggish. I gently take Off's hand and go back to the bed. We both sit there gazing at each other. All of sudden tears swell up and start falling. I miss him so my much and him being here even if its a dream I can't help but wish this was real life. 

Off doesn't say a word and just kisses me out of no where. His kiss was soft and sweet just like I remember it. "How can you feel so real in my dream?" I just asked in a low voice because I know there is no explanation he could give me nor could I give myself. I hold on to his body as our lips find one another once more. We hurry to take the others clothes off, our hands searching for the warmth and comfort that we so longing wanted. Our tongues explore the others mouth like we are looking for lost treasure. Once our clothes were off we just held each others body close as our kissing became less crazy and more slow and passionate. 

How I longed for him these last few weeks. Tears roll down my cheeks once more. My body shivers as Off starts to kiss me everywhere. I call his name like this was the last time I would ever see him. Desperate to have him connected to me, I spread my legs open. He wasted no time and pushed inside me. The pleasure that came from him being one with me after so long was over whelming making cry out.  Off took his time to love me all night. Even though this is a dream I feel so tired from cumming over and over again that I pass out. 

I woke up suddenly and look around the room. I can't believe my dream felt so real and I'm even sore and feel tired. I guess anyone could have that kind of dream when they miss someone so much. I just wish I wouldn't need to dream about him to see him. He's my alpha I should be with him. I think I might be going into heat which means I would need him more. How am I going to get through this without him.  Off also hasn't had his rut since we have been together, doesn't he want to be with me. I can't stay awake and fall back asleep.


Off's p.o.v

It was hard to visit Gun last night. His crying face really hurt me but I know this was the only way to keep him safe. After sending him back to the castle we encountered a big group of the Red Kingdom's soldiers. They had more people then we did and a few of them where the strongest in the Red Kingdom. A lot of our men where left injured, I myself was even hurt. I knew I needed to heal first before I could even go to see him.

 I should have ensured him that he wasn't dreaming but then it would have made it harder for me to leave. This made me feel so selfish but, I have to stay strong with my decision for the both of us. The closer we get to the war the more it is going to be dangerous for Gun. Even if I can keep way from the pain of being in the middle of this I can't keep him from the pain of not knowing.  There was even a bigger problem, my rut is coming. I only get it twice a year and its always on time. I can't go to Gun for help with it because that would be wrong of me to do.

I can't just send him to the castle and then not send a letter or visit him then expect him to help me with this. I'll have lock myself in a room until it passes, it usually only lasts a couple of days. For now I'll send Gun a letter letting him everyone is okay and that he doesn't need to worry. Hopefully, he sends a letter back and he isn't to upset with me.  


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