Chapter 33

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While Gun was past out the evil man stayed on top of him. Watching the cut marks closely. To see when they would heal. He knew that there was a healer amoung the Blue Kingdom, since it seemed like the the other side wasn't getting weaker. He figured the healer got hurt and made his plan to attack the castle.

The Blue Kingdom made it easy to find him too. The Blue Queen can hold her own in a fight, so seeing her in a rush to hide meant something. All he had to do was follow her most of the way before attacking her so that his men could get to Gun. Plus with all the screaming and banging Gun was doing made it clear where he was.

Gun had wounds on him already that hadn't healed yet but the man wanted to cause him more pain any ways. Even as he was watching Gun he only had thoughts of inflicting pain apon him. Like, if he shoved his dick into him while he was past out would that wake him and would be cry out in pain.

The face Gun made with tears streaming down his cheeks was a big turn on for him. After a hour goes by and there is no changes to Gun cuts, the man gets off him. He wanted so bad to just kill him right then but other thoughts stopped him.

At the same time Off is in battle. Not getting to Gun first made him angry. Right when he was about to reach him he hit a strong power blocker. Then Gun was gone and he was left fighting. He could no longer keep his monster in check. Everything was making him crazy. Like the fact that Gun was by himself and how that came to be.

The Blue Queen blamed herself because she didn't notice anyone following her. Even Prince Oab regrets having Gun go thru the secret passage way. Seemingly everyone blamed their self. Off couldn't believe he didn't see this coming. If only he could have sent Gun home instead of keeping him so close. But he didn't want to be so far from him, which has now come to this. His powers were going crazy and it wasn't good for anyone around him.


Gun's P.o.v

I open my eyes and quickly sit up. I can't believe I pasted out while being naked in front of a stranger. Which, I am still very much naked but at least no one is in the room. Since there are no clothes to put on I'll have to wrap the bed sheet around myself. I don't know how long I was out for. There doesn't seem to be any noise by the door. I jiggle the door handle and it wasn't locked.

I open it slowly and peek around to see if there was anyone around. This is werid, why wouldn't any body be watching me. They are making this a little to easy. I tip-toe down the hall, then run until I come to a dead end. "Shit!" I hate that I don't know the way out. Plus, I really didn't run into anyone. Where are they?

Am I dreaming? I pinch my cheek and it hurt so there's no way this is a dream. I walk slowly, while I try to remember which way I came from. These walls look exactly the same. "OKAY! I know what your doing! You can stop playing this stupid trick!" I'm so stupid, I fell right into the mouse trap. Of course he had a plan. "Looks like you have a lot of energy after sleeping for two days. Why cover yourself when your just going to get stripped again." The man came into view along with a few other guys.

They grabbed both of my arm's then he came up to me and untied the bed sheet. It fell to the ground revealing my naked body. I guess you really don't have any healing powers. Thats okay to, since if you did then you could be saving your so called fiance. He's the real monster but not a unstoppable one." I glare at him. "I told you that I didn't, now release me."

He motioned for his men to release my arms. I hurry to pick the sheet up and cover myself. "I'm sorry but I still can't let you leave. Even If your not the healer you must know who is and your gonna help me find him.""The heck I am! You better let me go now!" I can only stand there and look at him with a straight face for so long.

"Okay, then this is whats going to happen. I'm going to fuck you every day until you agree to help me. Once I get the right person, I'll let you go." "You wouldn't dare! Free me at once or face the consequences of holding me hostage." I wait for a bit but he doesn't say anything and just smilled. This is making me so mad, I ball my hand into a fist and punch the closet person to me in the face.

"You need to stop. testing my patience. I may be hurt now but I can fight too." It was quiet for a couple of minutes.
then laughter erupted. They must think that I can't put up much of a fight. I know I can't, but I do know how to protect myself a little. Their laughing hasn't stopped, even a little bit. I turn and stomp back to the room. I slam the door shut then ball myself up on the bed.

I hope Off is doing okay. He has to be because if he isn't that would just tear me apart. This thought is making my stomach hurt. I haven't ate in an few days so that might be what's wrong. I try to find a comfortable position on the bed but no matter which ever way I lay, it's not helping. Even the smell of the sheets are starting to give me a headache. "I can't stand this scent any more!" I sit up to scream and throw all the pillows off the bed.

I take the sheet that I have tied around me and throw that on the floor. Everything is just getting to me. Being naked is the least of my problems right now. At least my headache is subsiding a little since I'm not smelling whatever the crap that was. I miss the smell of Off's pheromones.

It's almost like I want to make a nest in his son scent. The memory of Off's smell brings a small smill to my lips. Somehow it feels comforting. My whole body relaxed and there is no more pain. I'm still hungry but I don't trust these people. I'll just rest my eyes for a bit, sleep will take the hunger away.

The Omega Prince and the Alpha Dark Princeحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن