Chapter 1

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The kettle whistled as the 3'8 man walked into the kitchen quickly grabbing his favourite mug & pouring the boiling water into it almost splashing some of it onto his scarred skin.

Putting his tea cup on the small dragon shaped coaster one of the villagers gave him, Octaviaan walked back over to the counter & grabbed his toast and dragon fruit, He was finally able to sit down and enjoy the meal he made.

Sighing in content, Octaviaan took a bite of his dragonfruit toast and a gulp of his tea. A peaceful atmosphere surrounding the small man, He was happy, It was calm, No monsters attacking, No people breaking into his house..

Just him, and his date with the Dragonfruit toast he made. Finishing his breakfast, Walking into his room, Octaviaan is stumped on what to wear.. so many options? And for what?

Picking the one that catches his eye first, The teal haired man throws it on. A black knitted sweater with the dusty green cargo pants, Octaviaan grabbed his weapon harness, Slung his axe inside of it & grabbed his crossbow, Now ready to leave, He headed towards the door


Thrown into the wall and his front door coming off it's hinges. He groaned at the searing pain in his back. When he was flung back his back must've made harsh contact with the harsh wood handle of his long axe.

Blinking up at the reason his door was now on the floor infront of him, Looking at the man who stood only a few feet away, Octaviaan was frozen in place. There, at his doorframe, Stood a large Dragonborn, His body was entirely black scales, piercing yellow eyes staring him down.

Getting up and ready to stand his ground and fight the perpetrator at his door, His hand slowly reaching for his axe. Octaviaan was suddenly surrounded, Two more Dragonborn's grabbed his arms holding him up whilst a normal human grabbed his weapons handing them to a half elf who then held onto them and secured them.

"Come, We're going home."

Were the last words Octaviaan heard before he was knocked unconscious by a harsh hand of a Dragonborn.


Waking to the sound of a staff banging against the ground, The purple eyed man looked up at the sound. Even after he looked at the man banging the staff along the stone ground, The noise still softly reverberated off the walls.

Moving his arms to adjust his position, the shackles rattled, restraining his movement. The guard chuckled, Taunting him for not being able to move.

"Awhhh, Can the little boy not move~?" The guard teased in a taunting voice.

"First off. I'm not some fucking little kid, So cut the shit." Octaviaan spat darkly. "Second. Taunting me? Really? How fucking mature." He continued. The man in question bent down to Octavian's height.

Smirking, He clicked his tongue, Fake sighing at the position Octaviaan has found himself in.
Not having hesitation, Octaviaan spat on the guards face. Grinning darkly with a tilt of his head.

"Awhhh~ what's wrong? Can the little boy not handle it~?" Octaviaan taunted with mockery. "Come on doll.. swallow it~" smiling horrifyingly, He giggled darkly, Amused with himself.

The guard, Having none of this, Wiped the saliva off his face and didn't hesitate to kick the teal haired man in the face. Hearing a satisfying crack, the guard deemed his punishment enough for the brat. Walking out to leave the gnome alone he waved with a sassy smile and stalked away.

Searing pain shooting throughout his jaw & face, Octaviaan spat out blood wiping his face off on his sweater. Sighing in pain and knocking his head off the stone wall, Octaviaan decided it was time for a well needed rest.

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