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I've waited all my life

Staring at the star spotted sky

Tracing my fingers over shooting stars

Watching them burn with baited breath


The star I talk to every night

Will fall from its hinges and come crashing down

And shatter at my feet

A safety net of foamy water

Cradles the shards

Fractalled mirrors of my past

Foggy messages from my future

The sharp edges of reality

Lure my subconcious

Instinct over reason

I dive into the sand dunes I know all too well

Huddled, Muffled, smothered in the sand

Where it is safe and warm

Yet still scalding hot and dangerous

My shelter, a false comfort that I choose to endure

Maybe one day I'll emerge 

And wipe the sand off my skin

And put all the pieces back together

Before they wash out into the endless sea

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