~Chapter 2~

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just as a warning, there will be WEIRD relationships in this and plenty of characters will be ooc. just- you'll see what I mean. :'3

Killua followed Menchi outside, until something caught his eye. The crops were dying. He walked over, lips parting slightly. "Something the matter?" Menchi asked. Killua glanced at her. "The crops...are dying" Menchi chuckled. "Least you remember what they are" They were...barren, and looked sickly. Barely any was growing at all and what was looked like it was brittle and unappealing. "Why?" Menchi sighed. "it's a long story, but the gist is...this town isn't doing so well" Killua glanced at her, lips parting slightly. "Hell, a bunch of towns are. Merchants say there's been something amiss in the world lately." she sighed. "aint my problem though. I'd have to be a guard or a lord to give two shits about it" Killua blinked. "A...lord?" Menchi hummed. "The ruler of a village. Who keeps everything organized and controls the guards." she glanced down.

"Actually...the lord of this village recently died. So even if we do find anything about your past, most people you talk to will be leaving soon" Killua glanced down. "Oh..." Menchi started walking again and he followed her. The village seemed to be a mess. Half broken down houses and runover gardens, most of the wood looked like termites had started devouring it. They eventually came to a marketplace. It was a cobblestone square with a few deteriorating stalls. A few boxes laying around, none of the stalls were filled however. "There he is," Menchi said with a grin, leading him to an older looking man with white hair and brown eyes. "Netero!" she called, grinning. The man glanced over his shoulder with a smile. "Menchi? Good to see you"

He opened his arms and Menchi ran up and hugged him with a smile. "So is this the village you've settled in?" Netero said, before letting go. Menchi scoffed "not a chance" Netero pointed to a female in guard uniform next to him. "I heard everything happening from this young lady here" Menchi winced. "Sorry your mom's drunk again" the female was silent for a moment, before finally speaking. "At least lady vanny is only a complete idiot when she's drinking," Menchi laughed, then turned to Netero. "Hey Netero, take a look at my friend here" she glanced at him and he walked up, standing in front of Netero. Menchi held his arm out, and Netero glanced over his markings. "Do these markings look familiar in any way?" Netero sighed. "Why are you asking me Menchi? I'm simply a merchant. Doesn't this village have a decent librarian you could question?"

Killua glanced at Menchi as his arm was let go. "Oh right....the one obsessed with the matron" she said dryly. "Damn, that slipped my mind. Mostly because he's a bi-" Nerero cut her off. "ah ah ah." he glanced at Killua and the female guard. "There are children present," the female guard huffed. "I'm 16!" Netero chuckled. "Then eat your vegetables more, kid" he glanced back at them. "But menchi, why question the marks on a kid who can speak for himself?" Menchi groaned. "he doesn't remember anything, that's the issue" Netoro's eyes softened. "Oh no come here poor boy" he wrapped Killua in a hug and he blinked, unsure how to react. Suddenly Netero frowned, then let go of him and glanced at Menchi. "Why haven't you clothed him?"

Killua had been wearing nothing more than a plain white pair of tattered shorts this entire time. Menchi rubbed the back of her head. "Oh eh...guess that slipped my mind too? Hahaha, got so excited; he might be a lost prince" Netero sighed, glancing at Killua. "Wait here kid. Uncle netero will give you the best garb I have" he said, before walking off to one of the boxes. Uncle? He came back with a pair of clothes, and handed them to him. "Here you go," Killua nodded, slipping them on.

(looks like this but without the sleeves)

(looks like this but without the sleeves)

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Menchi shot Netero a glare. "wowww. You don't even give me clothes for free" Netero chuckled. "My wife wouldn't let me hear the end of it if I didn't help a kid in need" Menchi laughed a little. "Good woman" suddenly Netero's expression turned serious. "May I talk to you in private Menchi?", "well...will it take long?", "Maybe but uh...it's about the merchant's guild" Menchi gasped, eyes wide. Killua was confused, but he decided not to question it. It was warmer with the clothes on, and he relaxed a little. Menchi cleared her throat, then glanced at the female guard. "Uh...Tess...you think you could...show Killua around? This is...kind of important." Tess nodded. "Sure, L-Lady Menchi," she stammered a bit. Menchi smiled. "good girl" she turned to Killua. "You go with him, kid. I'll meet up later and take you to where you'll be sleeping. See ya" she said, before walking off with Netero.

"Sir?" he turned to Tess, blinking. "Huh?" she dipped her head. "I need to attend to a matter of the guards, would you be fine with accompanying me?" Killua glanced at her. "Mm...sure '' Tess started walking and he followed, glancing around some more. He was led over to a mossy and run down house, it seemed to be charred and half taken down. Bailey was hammering away on top, while Ember and Cerulean were watching. "This is a step in the right direction, at least I hope, '' Cerulean said. Ember huffed. "what else would we do with it? Our former lord would have agreed. Besides, we're not the only ones this has happened to. Rumor has it that people from all over are going missing from villages" Killua frowned a little. Why? "I wonder if that kid we found was a victim of that-", "Sir!" both males glanced over at them. "Tess?"

Then, he saw Killua. "Oh, you're awake" ember huffed. "aw, and clothed too" he muttered. Cerulean seemed to glare at him. "Ember!" Killua was a bit confused, but he was starting to not like Ember very much. Cerulean cleared his throat, looking back at Killua. "Forgive that mouth of his, it's often foul" Killua laughed softly. "I thought you'd say that of his face" Tess snorted and burst into laughter, Cerulean chuckled as well. Ember growled. "H-Hey! You can't even see my face! Just my eyes!" Killua laughed a little more. "I apologize for before" Cerulean said. "But you seem to have settled well," Killua nodded. Cerulean cleared his throat. "Ember, explain what's happening to Tess" Ember sighed. "Yes sir" he walked over to Tess, and Cerulean stood in front of Killua.

"would you be so kind as to tell me what you were doing in the forest?" Killua looked down, trying to rack his brain for an answer. It's all...blurred. And foggy. I see images but....nothing clear enough to make out. He glanced back up. "I don't...remember" he said, apologetically. "Hmm...where your from?" Killua shook his head. "name?", "Kill...ua. I....think" he said quietly. Cerulean hummed a little. "I see. Well then, it's a pleasure to meet you. I'm Cerulean." Killua nodded. "I'm back," Menchi said, walking over to them. "it's nice to see you two getting along," Cerulean sighed. "I don't deserve forgiveness from him..." Killua tilted his head a little. Menchi chuckled. "You're lucky. He seems like the nice type, doesn't he?" Cerulean nodded, and Menchi grinned. "Don't fret, I'm sure his personality will show in time. Haha-", "that talk...wasn't long" he said.

Menchi smirked. "Woooow, gettin' a bit more bold aren't you?" she laughed. "yeah, it wasn't. which means we can get you to Eden sooner" Cerulean glanced at her. "Eden?" Menchi glanced at him and he held his arm out, showing the markings. "These markings got me...a bit curious. 'Sides, he'll need a place to stay '' Cerulean shifted a little. "Can he not stay in your brothel house?" Killua wasn't sure what that was so he kept quiet. A tick mark grew on Menchi's forehead. "It's not a brothel!", "but Eden said-", "I don't care what he said! I- " she growled a little. "Even more of a reason to go visit that...kind librarian" she said the last two words rather aggressively with a slight scowl. Something told Killua that Menchi and Eden didn't get along very well. Menchi sighed. "Let's go Killua''

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To be continued...

just so you know I'll be releasing this on Mondays, longer than my usual upload date but this way I'll be able to make it last longer :3

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