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 Hi !
Sapphire is here !

First of all, I have to tell MY version of human Star Platinum :

Imagine this face + hair + skin color + headband :

And thoses clothes (we can't see his shoes, just imagine the one he wear in Part 3, and the white part on the gloves are golden)  :

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And thoses clothes (we can't see his shoes, just imagine the one he wear in Part 3, and the white part on the gloves are golden)  :

And thoses clothes (we can't see his shoes, just imagine the one he wear in Part 3, and the white part on the gloves are golden)  :

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That's all, have a nice time reading this fic ^^.


April came really soon, and so is back-to-school, Jotaro decided that he wanted to become a marine biologist, he succeeded his test and went to America to study. One day before Back-to-school, he got his boarding room keys, and really hope to get a room for himself, when he came in, he saw two bed and was already annoyed.
For now, he is alone, so he placed his stuff in his part of the room, and of course choose his side, before opening the window and starting to smoke, he doesn't care if he can't.
After a short time, he smokes half of his cigarette, the door opened and someone came inside, Jotaro do not care and do not move, he is not impolite though.

Jotaro : Hi, I already choose my side, do what you want with yours, as long as you don't bother me.

No one answered him, it annoyed him a bit.

Jotaro : Hey, I talked to you.

Still no answer, this time Jotaro is angry, he turned his side to face the men who just came in.

Jotaro : Are you list-

He couldn't finish his sentence, both man are looking at the others, shocked, in front of Jotaro is one of his old friend, they fought Dio together and were a great team, when they parted, they couldn't keep contact because there is no phone were his friend live.

Jotaro : Oh my God... Star ? Is it really you ?

Star, or Star Platinum, is an Indian men but lived in Egypt, he knew Abdul very well and met Joseph at the same time than Abdul, they were really good friends. When they were travelling around the world to same Holly, he never talked, Abdul told them that Star is mute, it was hard to communicate so they learned sign language, at least to understand what Star is saying. Star was most of the time alone, but his friend Hierophant Green, he called him Hiero, was also mute, at the end they were inseparable. When Hiero and Abdul died, Star was broken, but they had no time to be sad, they had to kill Dio, in the end, he fought with Jotaro, even if they were not really close, they fought perfectly together, and they won.

Seeing his old friend now is shocking for both of them, Star jumped into Jotaro's arms to hug him tight. Jotaro hugged him too but Star is a lot stronger than he is.

Jotaro : I can't breath Star....

Star let him go and made a sorry face, with a huge smile, he is more than happy to see Jotaro.

Jotaro : I'm happy to see you too, big guy, although, why are you here ? I thought you went back to India.

Star Platinum : <I did, but I'm graduated now, so I had to come here to continue my studies.>

Jotaro : And what do you want to do ?

Star took a book out of his suitcase, a book with a bird on it, he show it to Jotaro.

Jotaro : Ornithologist ?

Star nodded.

Jotaro : It suits you, in my case, I want to be biologist, a marine biologist.

Star Platinum : <I'm not surprised, you always read marine books.>

Jotaro : It's true, at least, it's fine that I know my room-mate a bit, we will need to get along for some years now.

Star nodded and went to put his things away while Jotaro finished his cigarette.

Jotaro : How are you feeling since everything ?

Star is from the back, and he stopped doing what he was doing, not turning back, is face is going down.
Jotaro understand what Star is feeling, they are both suffering, he came closer to Star and place a hand on his shoulder.

Jotaro : Hey...we're going to be fine, together, I'm here if you need okay ?

Star smiled a bit and nodded.

Star Platinum : "I am too."

Jotaro : Thank you.

Jotaro remember that he forgot to place something, in their room, their desks are side by side, and there is a central shelf on the wall. Jotaro took something in his wallet and put it on it, when Star saw it, he couldn't stop his tears and smile, Jotaro placed the picture they took together, everyone are on it.

Jotaro : You're more sensitive than you look.

Star had a nervous smile, it's true after all, he is strong but sensitive and expressive, he dried his tears and looked at the picture again.

Star Platinum : "I guess they are all with us during our days here."

Jotaro : Exactly.


Credit for the pictures :

1 :

2 :

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