First class

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When the morning came, Jotaro woke up and noticed that Star was at the window, already dressed and ready to go.

Jotaro : Am I late ?

Star signed "no" without looking at him.

Jotaro : Hm, what are you staring at ?

Star looked at Jotaro with a tiny smile, Jotaro then noticed that there is a bird on Star's fingers.

Star Platinum : <I'm a bit stressed so it's been a while since I'm awake, and this bird came to me on his own.>

Jotaro : You always had a thing for birds, and they have a thing for you too.

It made Star smile again, Jotaro came to his side and was aware to not scare the bird, he light up a cigarette and smoke peacefully looking at the sunset.

Jotaro : We have to leave in one hour, and stop being stressed for this, it's nothing special, just like the other years.

Star took a time to think then nodded, it's not enough to make him relax but at least it helped a bit. After one hour, it was time to leave, they both went to the lobby to look in which class they will be.

Jotaro : Apparently, I'll have to support you this year.

It made Star looking at him, then smiling with a challenging look, Jotaro made the same face before leading the way to their first class, they sat next to each other.

Jotaro : I was wondering, does the teacher know that know.

Star Platinum : <Can't speak ? Yes they know, apparently they know sign language, if they don't, they will tell me and I will send my answer or question on a conversation.>

Jotaro : You can do that ?

Star Platinum : <People like me can yes.>

Jotaro : That's cool.

Some of them were staring at them, thinking that Jotaro was speaking to himself, however the boys were both ignoring everyone.

That's how class began, the teacher told the class that Star is mute, the staring stopped, or at least the majority.
The first year is a global one, so there is still the "boring" classes, just as Maths, English, etc, but some classes are made to help students to specialize for the next years.

And this class is one of them who are really boring, the first one is always the worst, that's when you have to introduce yourself, tell what are your goals or other things like that, Star was lucky this time because the teacher already did it for him, Jotaro however, didn't had this luck.

And just like every year, the girls can't stop speaking about him, and it's only been some minutes since the beginning of the class, this year is worse because his accent is obvious, and the girls like this.
It's not Jotaro's problem anyway, he'll just tell them to leave him alone, again... of maybe with Star's presence, they will think twice before coming.

Yes, they thought twice, this is the break and there is already some girls surrounding Star and Jotaro, they love Star as much as they love Jotaro, bad luck. They can have patience, but when it's been 20 minutes since they hear the same things just as "Oh my God you come from so far away !", "Please can I have your number ?", "Can we walk together at the end of class ?", well, it become too much for both of them. Star is glaring at them, he can't speak but he don't need to, his look is enough, Jotaro have the same, but also a voice.


All the girls stopped, Star and Jotaro took their chance to go outside, however, Jotaro knows that's it's not the end, Star guess it too when he heard giggling behind them.
When they were finally at peace outside, Jotaro started to smoke, already tired.

Star Platinum : <It's always like this with you ?>

Jotaro : Like what ? To get fan-girls at the very beginning of the years and ended up screaming at them to get some peace but they also like this because I have the "bad boy" profile ? Yes, it's like this every year, and it never stopped, bad luck for you, they see you the way they see me, the "bad boy" profile.

Star Platinum : <It must have been easy for you to find a girlfriend then.>

Jotaro : No way, they are not my type.

Star Platinum : <Too bad for them.>

Jotaro : And lucky me.

It made Star laugh a bit, or at least the movement of laughing.

Jotaro : It wasn't your case in India and Egypt ?

Star Platinum : <I didn't knew sign language in India, I learned it pretty late with Avdul, one came to talk to me, or they didn't stood very long, too tired to read what I wanted to say.>

Jotaro : People are not understandable, it's not your fault if you're a mute.

Star Platinum : <I didn't really cared about that, and speaking sign language didn't help, there is not a lot of people who knew this language in Egypt, Avdul knew, and also your Grand-Father. Remember that it was hard for everyone to understand me back then, you though it was useless to learn.>

Jotaro : Sorry for that, I was to busy to think about my mother, her life was in danger.

Star Platinum : <Don't be sorry, it's normal, in the end you learned and it was easier to communicate, at least you understood me, same for the others.>

Jotaro : Yeah... I miss them a lot.

Star Platinum : <Me too, Jojo.>

Jotaro had a confuse look.

Jotaro : Did you just called me.... You talked to my mother, right ?

Star smiled, nodding.

Jotaro : Yare yare daze.... It doesn't matter, call me whatever you want.

Perfect timing, Jotaro finished smoking and it's time to go back to class.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2022 ⏰

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