Chapter 4.

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The layout of Sammy's level had changed significantly from the one Henry was used to. Instead of the Music Department being ink covered and dilapidated, this was something <i>entirely</different. It resembled the inside of a church, a high ceiling with...something hanging from the rafters. Candles burned, only lighting the dim space slightly.

"This is...different, isn't it?" Joey waved a hand vaguely around the space, looking around for threats all the while.

"Completely different..."

There didn't seem to be any noise it first, but the further they went into the large space, muffled voices could be heard. Broken pews started to appear, full of candles and torn papers. It was eerily silent, an off-putting aspect that rarely occured in the Studio. At the very back of the room, a heavy curtain stretched the length of the wall, made of stitched up fabric and covered in more inky ramblings.

The pair, and tag along demon, walked the length of the room, before stopping in front of the fabric barrier.

Joey reached out a hand, preparing to pull it back, before stopping due to a voice that wasn't in the room with them.

Before you go doin' that Drew, I need to tell ya something.


"What's wrong Joey?" Henry glanced around, as if expecting something to crawl out of the shadows, before looking back to Joey. He not-so-subtly moved closer, causing the demon to chuckle.

"Oh, nothing's wrong! It's just...there was another part of the deal I didn't really tell you about. Don't look at me like that, it's nothing bad I swear,"

"Right, depends on what exactly it is-"

"The demon's in my head. Not literally, I mean, I can just hear him, talk to him, and that was a bad explanation wasn't it?" He put his hands up, as if proving his innocence, as Henry turned towards him.

The words were rushed and forced, Joey was just trying to get them out quickly. But Henry got the gist of what he'd said, and was clearly not liking it one bit.

"It's what!?" Joey stood statue still as Henry forcefully cupped Joey's head in his hands.

Into the forceful ones, eh?

"What exactly are you doing?" Ignoring the Demon's comment, he tried to diffuse the awkward situation.


"For?" He put his hands over Henry's, trying to keep the other calm as possible right now. He didn't get an answer, just more prodding.

"I...I'm making sure you're still you."

"Why wouldn't I be?" Joey managed to get their hands lowered, trying not to mind the smear of blood that now rested on his face. "I won't keep anything from you that's dangerous. You trust me, right?"

"I already told you I do. I trust you wholeheartedly, just not it." Something warm sparked in Joey's chest, only to be snuffed out a moment later by the demon.

Well, now that your little heart to heart's all wrapped up, can I tell ya what I need to before Sammy finds you two?


Wait a sec, what if I...

The demon abruptly went silent, and Joey could feel a sudden pressure in his head. It was like when you get water in your ears, uncomfortable and muffled. Then, nothing; no voice continuing on.

Only now a small trail of ink resided on the floor in front of the two. It slowly expanded, until the demons' form rose, stopping just above its waist. Joey's grip on Henry's uninjured hand tightened, and he instinctively backed away, pulling the other with him.

"Now, I can't do this for long. It will-" Bendy cut himself off with a low growl, as if in pain. "It will know. Easier the other way."

"Why is it here? Joey, that's what's talking to you?"

"Just calm down, hear him out." He let go, already missing the warmth of another person being there for him.

"I don't know what the hell happened in your loop, but that thing? That thing was awful; it killed you, and everyone just did this, and you want to trust it?!" Henry was on the verge of breaking down, backing away from both Joey and the barely formed demon.

"If you would listen to your little lover over here and be quiet, I could tell you." His voice and form were still unstable, but he was still threatening.

"Thank you. Now, I'm not the big threat in this here loop. Despite what happened earlier, with yer hand an all that."

"Then what is?" Joey tried to keep his voice even, torn between getting information or comforting Henry. Plus the whole 'lover' comment. Not that it wasn't true, but that wasn't the focus. Right now anyway.

"The damn Machine. We're all just pawns in the Machine's game. I don't even understand it, but I know that it'll notice I'm off-script soon.'' He tilted his head, as if listening for something.

"Off script?" Henry's voice was quiet, hesitant. Nothing like it was just moments before. "You have one too?"

Instead of speaking, Bendy nodded. If he wanted to gain both humans' trust, he would have to tread carefully. The tension seemed to ease between the two, relieving Joey.

"I can't say more now, but later. This is the most that I can take form. The farther away from the Machine's control, the weaker my abilities'll get It ain't fun, and it ain't pretty."

"So that's why you, y'know." Joey pointed to his own head, earning a small nod in return.

"Couldn't tell ya before the deal, but yeah. The Machine won't know that a way. And only you can hear it Drew, cause you took the deal."

Joey opened his mouth, preparing to ask why the inky creature didn't just explain earlier; after the fall, but supposed it was too close to the Machine for comfort. But there were other questions that wouldn't be answer as of now, because of a different inquiry.

"Do you hear that?" Henry had once again moved closer to Joey, trying to keep his hands from shaking with nerves. Joey was tempted to take them in his own again, but instead watched as Bendy seemingly dissolved.

It's Samuel, the Prophet.

Now that he was listening for something, Joey could hear quickly approaching footsteps. The curtain slowly swayed as a hand with sharp claws reached out and pushed them away.


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