"Evil henceforth became my good."

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Part 1: Greed

Is it wrong to want?

We all want something right? Money, power, love. What is a human being if not selfish? I would argue, that a human without desire is but an empty shell of what they should be. But who am I to make that judgement?

"Hi, there! Thank you for calling! Here at Morningstar Inc, we strive to make all of your wildest dreams come true. My name is Isaac, How can I help you today?"

Isaac Avaritia. I am but a humble employee at Morningstar Incorporated. As you have probably guessed by now, I am an employee in the Department of Greed, have been for almost 400 years now. The day had been going by like any other. Co-workers engaging in the latest office gossip, some poor intern getting chewed out by the supervisor, a failed contract here and there. Me on the other hand, well I was on a roll!

I had just pulled in a soul in record time! What was her name again? Loonie? Lacey? It was something Lovelace I'm sure. Regardless, I was on to the next call!

You see here at Morningstar Inc, we like to offer our services to those in need. It doesn't matter how you come to know of us. Whether we appear as a contact on your phone, a number on a letter or maybe even on a plain old flyer, we always make sure to carry out your wishes.

"Hel..lo? U-Umm...I'm sorry but this phone was left at the park. I was just calling to see if you knew the owner?"

"Ah! What great luck you have sir! To think this was the first number you called, it's certainly fate! So why don't you start by telling me what troubles you!"

Sometimes clients need a little help in getting to the root of their problems. Nothing a little persuasion can't fix.

"What? No, I just wanted to find the owner of the phone!"

"Oh come now, Is that really all you want?"

But sometimes that can be the best part.

The monitor of the computer caught the reflection of my eyes as they lit up. Drawn into my spell, the hesitation the client felt slowly but surely faded until all that was left was raw desire.

"I...well I just...I lied...I didn't find the phone. It...belongs to someone I know. It wouldn't stop ringing so I just...I thought the cops were looking for them..."

"And why is that?"

"I-I know it's wrong but...well...I don't have any money. I can barely afford rent this month a-and my mom is sick. Nobody will hire me and I just...they agreed to help! I swear. I didn't...I didn't want to kill them but they said they would help!"

The man's voice trailed off as he stifled a sob. He took a breath. It was the kind you take when that lump in your throat chokes out any words you can muster and you can't help but cry.

Just a little more.

All he needs is one more push.

"My that's unfortunate. I want to help you. Will you let me?"

"hic-How can you help?"

"How would you like me to help?"

There was a long pause on the other end of the line before he took a sharp breath and spoke again. "Can you help my mom get better?"

"What's wrong with her?"

Still under my spell, the man began to pour his heart out, saying all kinds of things that you wouldn't exactly tell a stranger whose face you don't even know.

"My father gambled away all our money and ran away when debt collectors began showing up at our door. My mother is ill and treatment costs a lot but since my father took the remainder of our money and ran, we haven't been able to pay for it. I can't find a job, my mother obviously can't work and there's nobody else who can help us! But I saw online that you can get lots of money for selling...human parts. I didn't want to...but I'm desperate! I lured in one of the debt collectors and killed him. I was going to sell his organs but while I was cleaning everything up his blasted phone kept ringing!"

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