"Anyway, you can be sure of one thing, a man's got to fake just to stay alive."

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Part 5: Wrath

"This is ridiculous! I want to speak to your manager!"

I felt my eye twitch. These blasted souls think they're so entitled.

"I am the manager ma'am. With all due respect, This was the deal you agreed to. In exchange for carrying out your wishes, your soul now belongs to us. There is nothing else I can do fo-"

"Oh, that's just great. What's your name? I want to file a complaint!"

I pointed to my name tag, my cheeks beginning to hurt because of the strained smile I kept plastered on my face. "Darius Iram."

"Well then Damien, If you can't help me then get me someone who can! Let me speak to your boss!"


"With pleasure. Please wait a moment."

Turning my back to the woman at the counter, I felt my smile slip off my face. With an irritated grimace, I walked into the back office and knocked on the door to the office of our oh-so-lovely department head.


Well doesn't he sound peachy.

The door creaked open and one of the poor newbies came running out, probably scared out of their mind at his outburst. Sitting at an ornate desk at the end of the room was the imposing figure of the head of our department. At the front of his desk, a neat little gold plate read the name, Satan.

"Forgive me for the intrusion sir, but a client is asking to speak with you."

"For what?"

"She's dissatisfied with having to hand her soul over to us. I explained to her that it was the deal she agreed to but she's insisting on speaking with you."

Satan stood. "Well let's go meet this woman then."

When he walked passed me, I could feel all the irritation I felt earlier drain from me. It was quickly replaced with an empty sense of dread the closer I was to him. I followed him back out to the counter. He was already standing on the other side of it, right next to the woman.

"Darius here tells me you have a problem?"

"Y-Yeah, You need to train your people better! I'm not supposed to be here! Why should I have to hand my soul over? You people are-"

The last of her words never left her tongue. The only thing that followed her rant was the pathetic gurgles as she began choking on her blood. Her head slipped off of her shoulders and onto the floor. The woman's eyes remained fixed on me in a terrified stare.

It was honestly satisfying to see.

"Does anyone else have something to say about their contract?"

Nobody dared to move under Satan's scrutinizing gaze.

"Good. Carry on."

He sauntered back into his office, probably to yell at another unfortunate intern. I sighed. If I was still a human I would have quit this stupid job ages ago, but alas, I am not. So I don't have a choice in the matter.

Every day it's another complaint, another wayward soul doing any and everything they can to convince me there must be some mistake.

"You've got the wrong soul!"

"This is unfair!"

"Why do you have to take my soul?"

If it was such an issue, why did you sign the damn contract in the first place? It's not like the terms weren't explained to you. The next person in line stepped forward, carefully maneuvering over the woman's headless body.

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